I'm gonna keep it short and sweet so I don't snowball into a full out rant like I did when I first typed this up. Matt, I agree that tyki's char should be nerfed to some extent, or just not used for casual rp-ing. But here's my main point. It's not all that overpowered. Now before you say anything, let me remind you about arcus and his immunity to magic. Because I'm gonna use both as an example. Arcus....was honestly a bit of a pushover. He was pretty tough, but the key to why he was so tough to beat was his immunity to magic. Magical immunity is a power that belongs in the "depends on the scenario" category. Meaning it's devastating in some situations, and completely useless in others. Yes magic was useless against arcus. So chars like the hekate sisters, who are heavy magic users, didn't stand much of a chance. But just because he's immune to magic doesn't make him all that bad. Sure he's tough, but he was probably below continent level. Plus if magic is used to blow up a planet arcus is on, he's screwed if the blast doesn't hit him. Because being immune to magic doesn't translate to being immune to planets exploding. Magic absorption is pretty similar in the sense that it grants the user immunity to magic. But it's still not all that impressive. Also, yes the char could tear through the omegans like wet tissue paper. No biggie. I'm aware that the omegans are these big bad destroyers of worlds. But they're not without weaknesses. Take superman for example. He is immensely powerful. And only grows stronger with solar radiation. That's great and all, but he's still no match for a glowing green rock.