[center][URL=http://s284.photobucket.com/user/Shiori_Utsuri/media/logo2_zpspyy48jbo.png.html][IMG]http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll12/Shiori_Utsuri/logo2_zpspyy48jbo.png[/IMG][/URL]/center] It has been twenty five years since the beginning of the Eternal Calm. The Youth League, New Yevon and the Machine Faction have joined together to build a better Spira together after their differences twenty or so years before. Because of this, Spira has exploded with lost technology, airships are more common now, public transport ships are available for travel, Blitzball spheres are now in every town, it is still the one sport that brings Spira together every year. The two biggest are located in Luca and Zanarkand. Though the use of temples are obsolete now, former guardians and summoners had petitioned the leader of New Yevon, Baralai, and the Spiran council to make the temples a historical monument, replacing the holes with replicas of the Fayths that once were housed there. Although they are museums now essentually, the Fayths chambers as well as the Cloister of trails is still off limits to the public because of the fiends that have found their way in. All the small towns and villages have grown in the last twenty five years of the eternal calm, as people have abandoned all of the tiny villages spread acrossed Spira for a more easy and safe life within the larger town/cities protection. Besaid is one of the villages that has not grown as much as the other cities, but has incressed it's population three fold. It still has a feel of a small town, despite it's new addition of a Blitz Sphere. Ever since their first win after a ten year losing streak twenty five years before, The Besaid Aurochs have been a top compeditor with the Luca Goers, and when the Zanarkand Abe's were created by Tidus ten years before, they quickly became rivals. Our story begins in the humble Village of Besaid, like many other stories. The Blitzball tournament is starting and now because of the easy travel, fans of each team go to their teams home town to follow them back to Luca. Then on to Zanarkand this year for the finals. A group of friends and strangers shall meet here and be thrown on an unexpected journey to save Spira them from their Sin once more... [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/82423-final-fantasy-x-the-final-atonement/ooc]OOC Link[/url]