[quote=@Zverina] Since I have just started a new run of New Vegas, I might give it a try. [/quote] I'm downloading it as we speak, but more because I need to remind myself of the plot. I remember the gist of it, but it's been about a year or more since I last played, so I gotta refresh myself in case we end up walking into the Capital Wasteland by way of a magic carpet. Thanks for your interest though. I'm still working on it, but I just wanted to test the waters. I know there's a lot of Fallout Rps going on, owing to the recent news of Fallout 4, but I thought I'd see if I could make something a little more special. Wanted to do a Fallout 3 version of this, but that would have meant the guy having 6+ kids, and the story would've been too laughable.