Name: Croak

Gender: Male

Race: Ghoul.

Age: 79

Appearance: Quite the uh...looker. Despite being a ghoul Croak's body hasn't lost much of his musculature since his mutation, something he attributes to the few lucky moments in his life. His skin, what's left of it anyway, has taken a black and blue coloration more in line with a burn victim than a walking corpse. There is long stretches where skin has completely been removed, leaving exposed muscle that seems to concern everyone besides Croak himself. The eyes seem to be the only youthful and healthy thing about Croak, the irises being bright red with no cloudy of the eye itself. There isn't a single hair on his head, along with a nose and a bit of his right ear is missing from the groups recent stomping. Finally, a distinguishing feature is the fact that the left side of his face is missing a large chunk of flesh which exposes his teeth and makes drinking difficult.

Strength: 10

Perception: 7

Endurance: 9

Charisma: 1

Intelligence: 5

Agility: 5

Luck: 3 

Main Skills: Melee, Explosives, Survival

Weapon: Machete and good ol' Fisticuffs

Armour: Beat Up Combat armor

Items: Thin Red Paste, black coffee, Bleak Venom, Whiskey, Stimpak

Caps: 79