Accepted [quote=@rivaan] [hider=My Hider] Character Sheet Notable Parents: None Name: Naisha Age: 22 Sex: Female Hair Color: Black Eye color: Green Appearance: 1.73m tall, her straight hair reaches down to her shoulders. Natasha is quite skinny for a woman her age, in fact many would say she is skin and bones only. Her skin is pale to the point she appears constantly sick… which is almost true. Just as her mentor, she wears a long black dress of interesting design. Picture will be added later when I draw it. Weapon: Somewhat thin and light looking staff, but in reality her real weapon is her magic. Any Armor: A single sturdy crystal armguard on her left hand. Biography: Born on Besaid island after the eternal calm, Naisha had a happy childhood. She grew up around the heroes who lived in the village and even grew up to love blitzball. She loved to swim and to run around waving sticks and wooden swords, dreaming that she will one day become a great warrior. One day though she came down with a terrible sickness. No one was sure what exactly it was and while magic seemed to help somewhat, she didn’t recover completely. The strong and energetic girl, became rather weak and frail. Ever since that time she fell sick, her body was constantly weak. After even small amount of exertion, she would be forced to stay in bed for at least a day. As such her dreams of becoming a warrior and a blitzball player were shattered. All of that happened when she was 5. For almost a year Naisha secluded herself in her room, not really showing her face out much. Her family became very concerned for their daughter’s wellbeing. Running out of options, they asked Lulu to teach her magic, hoping that once she realizes that even in her condition, she still had options besides warrior or player, she would at least stop locking herself away in her room. As it turned out she had a natural affinity for black magic. It still proved somewhat tiring even if it was mostly mental exhaustion. The young Naisha fell sick easily, but slowly she made progress. Within a year, her body got a little bit stronger, and she at least was able to walk around town without much troubles. She was able to meet her friends again and even if she was no longer able to play with them blitzball or practice swordplay, she was at least with them, smiling once again. Still even now when she sees blitzball players, a slight note of jealousy strikes her, but even more than that, she is happy that someone’s dreams of becoming a player were accomplished. Sadly due her condition her movement is somewhat limited, she isn’t able to walk great distances as even a normal paced walk from one end of the village to the other makes her breath quite heavily and feel pain in her chest. That staff of hers has also the function of walking stick for when her legs get weak. Still only that staff isn’t enough so she has a special chair she uses to move around in greater distances. It’s moving on small scaled engine and some special magic crystals that make it float slightly above the ground. Naisha still has to charge the crystals with float magic every day, but otherwise it seems to be working reasonably well. . Personality: For a person who appears so sickly all the time and easily tired, Naisha is rather noisy. She likes to talk a lot with her friends, likes to meet people and to hear stories from beyond Besaid island. She plans to leave to island to explore the world. She also likes to use her magic a lot. Even though it’s dangerous she likes to go hunt monsters and burn them to a c crisp… or turn them in ice cubes. Are you arriving in Besaid or Living there? Living there. [/hider] yay... now dinner time [/quote] Um I rather not have a space time thing going on the reasons Rufus was brought back to life was due to he was a dream of the fayth thus they had the power somehow to do what ever with him [quote=@Kalas] Went onto youtube and watched some recap videos, so I'm pretty up to date with the history of stuff now. I'll still struggle a little with the world I guess but, like you said, I can use the wiki and follow you guys. [center]WIPWIPWIPWIPWIPWIPWIPWIPWIPWIPWIPWIPWIPWIP [Hider=Karma Rhapsodos] [img][/img] [color=9e0b0f][b]Age:[/b][/color] 20 [color=9e0b0f][b]Sex:[/b][/color] Male [color=9e0b0f][b]Hair Color:[/b][/color] Brunette [color=9e0b0f][b]Eye color:[/b][/color] Green [color=9e0b0f][b]Weapon:[/b][/color] [img][/img] [color=9e0b0f][b]Any Armor:[/b][/color] [color=9e0b0f][b]Biography:[/b][/color] [color=9e0b0f][b]Personality:[/b][/color] [color=9e0b0f][b]Are you arriving in Besai?[/b][/color] [/hider] WIPWIPWIPWIPWIPWIPWIPWIPWIPWIPWIPWIPWIPWIP[/center] ... ... ...Okaaay! I [i]might[/i] be obsessed with Genesis :P Maybe I could work in some Dimension travel-somethingorother, considering that Tidus is actually some Dream/Ghost-Dude? [/quote]