[center] [img]http://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/megamitensei/images/7/79/SunCard.jpg/revision/latest/thumbnail-down/width/340/height/340?cb=20120720033008&format=webp [/img][/center] [hider=Rikimaru Elsworth.] Gender: Male Age: 15 Appearance: [img]http://s1.zerochan.net/600/11/22/1121111.jpg[/img] Standing at 5'6 and weighing about 145 pounds, he has lean, athletic frame. When speaking he has a soft and smoky voice. Arcana: sun Personality: He is by nature a kind a peaceable person. Yet at the same time, he is not afraid of fighting to defend himself, or those he calls his friends. It wouldn't hard to see him as the protective type. He noted for never saying anything more than he has to. Partly because he's shy and partly because of the bullying. Rikimaru is two different people at home and in the public. At home he is an outgoing and loving person. In public he is quite and he does his level best to never show that anything ever bothers him. Rikimaru looks intimidating and older than he is and he knows it. While at heart he is a big softy. That won't keep from using that intimidation to his advantage. If only that would have worked where used to live. Iff there is one thing he does care about more than training and his family. Its playing the guitar. A product of spending so much time alone when he was younger. Rikimaru for faults,has a need to do the right thing. Something his parents taught him when he was a small child. Even he wants nothing to do the with situation, Rikimaru will do what he thinks is the right thing, even if it gets him into trouble. Equipment/Skills: Weapons: Battle Axe Gutiar. [img]http://tylorkranyak.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/battle_axe_guitar_by_monkeybro0-295x300.jpg[/img] School uniform. While he doesn't really care for the uniform, he does try to take care of it. Often wearing it with his sleeves rolled up or as casual as he can. Weekend/off days attire: [img]http://i00.i.aliimg.com/wsphoto/v0/32288630726_4/Assassin-s-Creed-Revelations-Desmond-Miles-Cosplay-Hoodie-Jacket-Costume-A-verson.jpg_250x250.jpg[/IMG] Highly skilled in hand to hand combat and some weapons. Able to speak both Japanese and English fluently. More than decent player of flamenco guitar and a few other styles. Background: Born to two American parents in the military, he carries a distinctly white appearance. He borrows greatly from his fathers genetic line in terms if his looks. It was his mother that gave him is his once cheerful disposition and name. His father an American from South Carolina. His mother was born in Japan but was moved to America when she was but a baby. Born and raised in Okinawa's Kadena Air Base. The American Air Force Base. It wasn't until he was in his teens that he figured out he had been living in two different worlds. An American world on base, and the Japanese world just out side the walls of the base. Behaviorally he is almost a perfect mesh of his parents. A gruff almost angry exterior the covers a very soft inside. His father's American gruffness and his mothers soft heart. He is much a guy and doesn't make much apologise for it. When he was a boy, Rikimaru got beaten up for the first time by some bullies. His Father with a mind that this wouldn't happened again, enrolled him martial arts classes. Rikimaru took to them like a duck to water. He was a natural and loved every second of it. As time progressed, the styles became more and more brutal. It wasn't until he came to learn the ways of an art barely known that he truly excelled. "The dragon of many faces." A very brutal style that allowed him to fight more than one person at a time. As he got better the bullies started to leave him alone but they were always there, always looking for a reason or a means to get away with picking on Rikimaru. As a result he never really had many friends. During this lonesome time, he learned to play his fathers old guitar. He picked up pretty quick, it was a comfort that was he better at something other than fighting. It wasn't until his parents still members of the U.S military were called to Afghanistan. Not wanting to remove their child from highschool and knowing that Afghanistan was no place for child they left Rikimaru in the care of some close friends and neighbors. The neighbor thing didn't exactly plan out very as a few weeks later Rikimaru was jumped by a gang. It took every bit of them to beat him into submission. Rikimaru saw a poor child being humiliated and what he could to stop them. It was a nasty fight that left him much worse for wear. He was a very good fighter but there is only so much one person can do when the odds are so stacked against you. It took him awhile to get over what had happened, Still training as much as could but always alone.  He finished the school year at home. He wasn't safe there and he knew it. On the bright side, he had plenty of time to play the guitar and train. After a while his parents moved him into an apartment above a Ramen Bar that was owned by Rikimaru's aunt and uncle in Warakuma. Most people thought he was crazy or the like for the lack of talking or emoting on public. but it was still better than everyone giving him those pitiful looks. Those looks hurt more than anything. Still a fresh start in a new place should be perfect for him. For the first time in such a long time he was excited to go to school. Persona: [Center] Helios, The Sun G-d [IMG]http://img11.deviantart.net/5db4/i/2008/122/1/c/sun_god___surya_by_devashard.jpg[/img] [i]"I am Helios... Bearing the ancient sun, I am the one who violates the night! I shall become your loyal chariot!"[/i] [/center] [/hider]