[@thewizardguy] "Ah." Mithias did feel quite relieved that he wasn't going to have to tangle for his life, at least not immediately. So what if she couldn't travel the planes at will, like most other beings Mithais seemed to encounter. She still might have been able to help. Of course, she wanted something in return, and to Mithias, that did seem fair. It was better than getting killed. "Fair enough. I'm in poor shape to be of much service, but I will try my best." Mithias had no reservations about helping the woman. Hell, he could begin his training anywhere, anytime, and hunger might even make it more effective. Of course no vampire could resist it forever. "Are you a native to this world? What happened here with all these dead dragons?" The vampire gestured around them with his pale hands. He looked at her large, fuzzy form curiously.