[@supertinyking] Raven sees all of the spirits trying to help her and sits in shock for a moment, she doesn't understand, when the figure, obviously dead, asks her the question she snaps out of it. "I'm not sure, I was brought here from another world. I don't know how it happened but now it is my turn to ask you a question," and inquires without waiting for approval," why are you helping me?". As she says this she hears a massive groan from the creature which in death is equal to a roar and is ten times louder. She knew that this was her time to get away as fast as possible but she knew it would be rude to just leave in the middle of a conversation. "I thought you liked being alive though," she heard her father in her head,"shut up will you!" Raven mentally screamed at him. She knew that he was right though, survival had always been her number one, not courtesy. Raven jumped down from the tree and sprinted away from the creature and the helpful spirits, she came to a sudden stop as she saw what looked like one of those portals that she saw previously in the other world. It could lead to safety but then it might not, she figured that it wasn't worth the risk of getting herself into a bigger problem than she already was in. Luckily, her energy levels were back up, if she wanted she could shadow walk out of there but then she remembered, yet again, that she didn't know where in the universe she was.