[@Tyki][@supertinyking][@Teoinsanity] Even from where she was, the Voidwalker could sense someone was trying to mess with her portal over the crib. Had she focused her power, she could easily have maintained the portal in that particular area. She could further most likely have fired some beams at Teo, but at the moment she had other things on her mind. Because everyone and their mother seemed to be suddenly intent on killing her, although this was hardly surprising considering she was about to blow the entire place sky-high. As such, the portal closed fairly rapidly, giving Teo the chance he would need to grab the child. Several incoming portals, she could sense them with the same ease another might be able to see. The being below her was attempting to warp part of it's body into her stomach, an attack that would most likely have resulted in her death. However, it's understanding of teleportation was infantile compared to her complete mastery of the subject. It was like the fleeting attempts of a toddler to outdo their dad. Shot lived and futile. The hand instead appeared in front of the Supernova, where it was almost instantly annihilated by the rapidly expanding wave of energy, it's very atoms separated into protons and neutrons, reduced to a superheated plasma. Any further attempts by the creature to teleport it or it's body parts would have the same result, quickly discouraging it from this tactic. Even when outdone in speed, strength and durability, Void could not be outdone in her control of portals. The second portal was a less agressive one, merely used for transportation. However, she had neither the time nor the attention span to allow a combatant to engage her in close combat. Being forced to dodge attacks beyond those of the creature would most likely take up too much of her attention, and force her to shut down her Supernova. Instead, she caused the being to emerge in front of the Supernova, where it would already begin burning even from mere proximity. If it were not to escape it's predicament, it would find itself reduced to plasma, following the fate of the wire creature's arm. Ozzy served a far more practical purpose. Instead of merely placing him in mortal danger, she placed him in mortal danger AND used him as a human shield (demon shield?). He came falling through the portal instead of stepping, as it opened pointed downwards and gravity pulled him through. Before he would be able to react to this unexpected change, he would find himself hitting the wire creature's first attack, the wires most likely instantly attempting to wrap around and trap him. She fended off the rest of the wire creature's attacks in similar manner to before, blasts of energy and physical attacks blowing any wires that came too close to pieces. If it somehow managed to make it's way through the assault even so heavily damaged, the portal it reached for would disappear and reopen somewhere else long before it could begin draining it. It had chosen it's opponent poorly, as it's ability to drain relied on touch, and Voidwalker was an expert at relocation. Even after all this time, it hadn't been able to grab even the slightest bit of Voidwalker's powers, both her form and her portals eluding his every attempt at grabbing her. The ground below would begin heating up rapidly, as stone started melting and the atmosphere seemed to boil. Waves of radiation were streaming through the portals, causing everything below to rapidly heat up. Organic cells would be broken down, the ionising radiation inflicting damage directly to the DNA. Any being not intensely resistant to heat would be forced to seek shelter from the radiation, which could melt even metal within a matter of moments. In about 20 seconds, everything was going up in flames. ((Guys, Voidwalker's about to Supernova everything. After the previous two posts of buildup, nobody has been able to block it out. As such, I would recommend you move your characters to a safe location ASAP. You may stay and try and last-second it, but any characters not out of the line of fire by my next Voidwalker post will most likely be obliterated. For this very purpose, Voidwalker will only block weak portals leading outside, allowing an avenue of escape.)) ---------------------------------------------------------------- KIhaku was so near her goal. She could feel the life slipping out of Nathan as she tore him apart. Her darkness completely covered him, and had dug it's way deep into his skin. Any other being would have died from such treatment, and even Nathan was reaching his limits. Soon, she would have killed him, this abomination that had dared harm Logar. And yet, there was still something. Some power within him, that seemed to be expanding, a massive surge of energy that shot outwards. Beams of light tore through her, burning her as she cried out, screaming. Her very essence seemed to burn, as her world became one of the purest agony. Not just her souls, but her seemingly immortal body was being destroyed. She could feel it, the death from which she had emerged reaching for her once more, aiming to drag her down into the infinite, cool darkness of the underworld. She almost wanted to do it, to simply let go, to die. She would simply dissolve, nothing left of her but the fragments of a thousands souls, dissolving to return to the Cycle of Life. Maybe she'd be reborn somehow. Her separate pieces, at least. But no. She had a goal. She could not die here. She could not escape the promises she had made. So she hid from the light in perhaps the strangest of manners. Sacrificing her body of darkness, she forced herself onto a new host, a body capable of containing the mass of Souls that served as her core. Drawn in by the vacuum left by death, she rushed into Nathan's body, her damaged form huddling within it, becoming one with it. Nathan's skin turned pale white, as if he had been spontaneously transformed into an albino. His hair and clothes became pure black, a shroud of darkness around his form. His eyes glowed bright red, reflecting the unholy power maintained within. And with a hoarse cry, with the voice of a hundred wailing wraiths, the newly reborn Kihaku let out her lamentations, a roar of agony that would shake the molten walls of Drac's castle. She would need to escape, Voidwalker would level everything soon. With the last of her strength, she opened a portal to Nocturnus, a planet constantly shrouded in darkness. It was there that she would rest, and regain her strength. Of course, unknown to her, her act had had an unexpected side effect. In that Nathan's soul had not been destroyed, rather left to it's own devices, fighting to prevent itself from dissolving into nothingness. ------------------------------------------------ Cosmos hissed at Raiden as he jumped out from the water. He held up a hand to turn any use of the Force against him, already calculating the necessary arcane formulae in his head. However, it seemed the Sith was too intelligent to attempt to use magic against a being of Cosmos' particular skillset. Instead, he attacked with his lightsaber, detonating it in close proximity. Cosmos was launched backwards by the unexpected blast, the shrapnel penetrating his ribcage as his organs were pushed to a stop. With a simply enchantment, he forced them to continue their function, the shrapnel being pushed out of his chest as he stood back up. "Allow me to show you that an Archmage need not rely on the power of others." He twisted his hand, waving an enchantment of protection around himself. A wall of force that would deflect incoming attacks. A secondary spell deflected and controlled the radiation that was streaming down from the portals far above. Deadly lances of immense heat were shot in Raiden's direction, blasts that turned the very air to plasma and would do the same to his body if he allowed it to.