[@thewizardguy] Most people there sorta see that shit was going down, and would rush away. Ozzy would slice his way out of the wires quickly, and the Demon Swordsman is most likely killed by the nova...most likely. Raiden dodges these spears of heat, and was shielded from the heat for now. He ducked around, dashing and weaving around the archmage's attacks, his speed and senses heightened by his connection to the force...But soon, Raiden would preform a move similar to Kilroy, a fullnelson, but rather than wait for a different person to finish the job, he quickly used his force inbued strength to start to bend Cosmos's head at a odd angle, his spine already feeling the strain. Even without his force imbued strength, Raiden was physically powerful, his human body pushed to its limits. [@RavenTLark] Eruka goes to continue her explanation when she notices the exploding star about to be dropped onto the realm, she quickly reacts, grabbing Raven. "No time to explain, we must leave now!" She says, flying into a portal leading away to a hellish landscape, that looked to have been devastated by some sort of attack. Think what hell would look like nuked, if you would. Sitting on a throne of rock, a rather well dressed man, no more than 20, sits, his extremely flashy and well made suit matching his pitch black hair. "Well, mother, who did you bring over?" The man says, his voice silken, and rather pleasant to the ears. "She was within our realm, which is currently getting blasted to all living hell." Eruka grumbles. She drops Raven so she would land on her feet just before the suited man, who is she had any interactions with demons, may have the familiar smell of sulfur.......