[@supertinyking] A fire was made. Bloodseeker sighs as they convene over dinner. The ghost of Eclipse suddenly appears as if he had been sitting on the log next to Strygwyr the whole time. "I suppose we have time for pets. Why don't we feed it some of our extra meat? Then, you can let the creature go with a full belly." He took a ghost-stick and poked at the fire, the ethereal stick obviously doing nothing to the material burning wood. "Yes, you should let it go, eventually, Dark One. The 'fuzzy friend' has family to get back to." Bloodseeker wasn't much of a talker. He was kind of an animal himself. He thanked his gods and ate, keeping mostly to himself. Eclipse asked, "Let me guess Strygwyr. You miss the Coffee lounge? Or perhaps your people in the mountains?" Stryg swallowed a bite, "I miss not having to eat." "Ah.." Eclipse smiled cheerfully and tried to change the subject. He knew what Strygwyr was saying was that he wanted to be out killing things for his gods, during which he wouldn't need food. "Well now, why don't we um..." The very foreign and strange sound of a car starting interrupted the ghost. At least, it was trying to start. It sounded like it was coming from some place in the trees nearby. Stryg picked up his head.