[@RavenTLark] "Oh, this realm? It got blown to shit when I stuck my neck out for the morons you see here now...also, if you wonder why I didn't help before, I had to get a new body after my last one was turned into some sort of strange wire puppet..I believe you s-....wait....." He starts, before sniffing the air. "I smell....a bit of smug arrogance......are you talking to a parent?" Ozzy asks. Lisa, a woman with long flowing red hair, a tanned complexion, which was wearing a red tee shirt, and a pair of blue jeans without any shoes tilts her head slightly. "You can smell that?" She asks. With a chuckle, Ozzy launches his retort. "Oh please, that sorta smug arrogance any good demon can smell a mile away. It's a sure sign of pride." "....Oh, I guess that makes sense.........Question, are the magma pits still here?" The woman asks, and Ozzy groans, turning to Eruka. "Please show the dimwit the magma pits mother, this place is hell...if she's to dull to not figure out to go look, I fear she needs some sort of guardian lest she break something..." He says, and Eruka sighs, grumbling something, as she leads Lisa off. With a wicked grin, Ozzy then turns back to Raven. "Oh please forgive my former...appearance. I have to keep up looks for the family, you must understand." Ozzy chuckles, as he walks over, and bows. "My name is Oswald C. Corest, but everyone calls me Ozzy." He says, before, suddenly, gently grabbing Raven's hand, and kissing it in a gentlemanly fashion. "And whom do I have the pleasure of speaking to?" He asks, grinning a bit.