[quote=@MelonHead] That would be fair enough if you hadn't then allowed someone with a death ball of the same speed that you've reduced bullets to. I don't disagree with you that bullets should be nerfed, though I think all projectile speeds should have been adjusted to some degree to make it fairer. [/quote] If a mage was given time to prepare their abilities then such an effect is to be expected. In this instance, this spell in question not only carries the typical restriction of preparation, it is further given restrictions on frequency of use. While the advantage is that there is more innate flexibility with magic in terms of where to spend your energy for various effects (vs carrying equipment), it does have the aforementioned drawbacks. It is difficult given the match up for you to stop the preparation of the spells, but as I specifically noted that the damage of the ability described in the universe that it was designed in was inappropriate and would need to be toned down. Given how heavily geared your character is, I suspect it will not be much of an issue for you to deal with the ability unless it is hitting you direct on.