[@Tyki] Seeing as how Void is fully capable of reacting to supersonic threats, she simply opened a portal that deflected the arm to the location of the supernova, where it was quite literally broken apart on an atomic level. Had any significant contact occurred between the portal and the arm, perhaps the creature would have been able to close it. Or at least siphon from it. However the speed of the attack prevented anything more than a tiny taste of magic from being stolen before the arm was through. Perhaps a sustained attack would have broken through Void's defensive portals, but there was hardly time as the creature began to flee. She laughed, the first expression of emotion she had displayed, as she anticipated the complete and utter obliteration she was about to inflict. Cosmos simply smiled, as he felt the creature attempted to attack him. The initial attack struck the arcane armour Cosmos had formed around himself, preventing a sneak attack from being effective. The creature of course immediately attempted to drain Cosmos of his power, only to find that it couldn't. Cosmos utilized his magic to keep a thin layer of nonmagical matter between the creature and the spell at all times, completely ruining the touch-based effects. When it attempted to escape, however, Cosmos did choose to come with it. Knowing that he could handle the arcane construct, he wished to study it further. It had been able to stand up to and even defeat Bahamut, simply using it's odd ability to absorb mystical energies of all varieties. Bahamut meanwhile simply stood up, smiling. His immunity to heat made him impervious even to the blazing supernova heading down towards the group. He bathed in the flame, and allowed it to wash over him, the heat replenishing him. He had found a foe that drained him of his power, forcing him to rely on his most innate of powers. His strength and speed, his unequalled skill in swordplay. A beast that had done more than simply stood up to him, but that had fought him and even bested him. Never had he thought such a simple, unknown creature would be the beast that equalled him. He would have to kill it, and devour it. As he had done with the foolish, arrogant Gods of his realm, as he had done with the fools that had opposed his rule, as he had done to the very heavens that had rejected him. And he would feast on it until it was a part of him, feeding into his strength. Void meanwhile just laughed, mesmerized by her vision as everything below her was annihilated. Protected by a sphere of portals, redirecting and reshaping the energy around her. She could feel the very barriers of reality tremble, as blood ran down her face. Her body shifted and stretched, fighting to contain her raw, unbridled power. Had she not given herself a minute to prepare, the power would have ripped her to shreds. Even now she could feel the temptation, to simply reach out and crush the very fabric of reality. But it would end. Soon, she would have to wear the leash once more. Bind this power deep within herself, in order to give her body the chance to rest. To recover. Before she coudl once more cut loose. If anyone were to return to the Forsaken Realm, they would not find it destroyed. They would not find it incinerated, nor would they find it empty. For they would not find it at all. In the very most basic sense, the entire dimension had been wiped from existence. Nothing remained but an empty space between worlds, a silent testimony to the power of the Omegans. Already, three Omegans lay dead or defeated. But those that remained had banded together once more, lead by Cosmos. And if they were not stopped, the Multiverse would tremble. For already, the claws of Omega scratched at the edge of existence. The White Holes were spreading, some devouring entire worlds. Perhaps falling to another time, another place. Perhaps ceasing to exist whatsoever. The end was coming closer. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the far reaches of the Multiverse, far beyond where any of the heroes of HCL might wander, a strange phenomenon occurred. For one of the White Holes seemed to shift, cracks appearing over it, before it shattered. And through it reached an ancient power, a power that had long not been seen in the Multiverse. One thought to have been extinguished for all time, and yet even now it's aura spread into the galaxy around it. A figure of unparralelled strength. The figure raised a hand, lightning arcing across it's fingers. And at it's command, the stars seemed to collapse. The solar system pulled into itself, even as thousands of stars were dragged across space at speeds greater than that of light. Space itself bent to it's will, tearing and ripping to accommodate his commands. Billions of worlds, with hundreds of civilisations, crushed into a single point. Devoured swiftly, as if it were nothing more than a light snack. An appetizer. It could not stay. No, still it was barred from a prolonged presence. But soon, it would return in full force. The figure retreated, as the White Hole once more returned to it's original state. And just like that, without sound nor scream, within the space of a minute, a galaxy had been ripped from the sky. An omen of things to come.