[@Holding Coal] ((I suck at replying, sorry)) Bob chuckled, as he was addressed by the alien. He could sense the creature's determination. While it was temporarily dazed, it suppressed it's emotions in favour of practicality. A warrior, born and raised. Or nay, perhaps.... a hunter? There were few who survived hunting big game in the many realities of HCL. Those who did were paragons of their particular strengths, unequalled. This being had not reached this point, but one day, perhaps... especially if it had a nudge in the right direction. "This place is little more than a meeting place. A place where Gods and Demons can discuss terms, without it coming to blows. Any violence in the lounge is... frowned upon." Bob smiles, ominously. "In any case, would you like something to drink? I can offer a fine array of liquids, suited to satisfy any palette."