[quote=@MelonHead] My character is geared up with completely useless weaponry, in one post Tuuj's character was able to prepare like five of those death balls or an almost constant shielding from every weapon Jok has. Tuuj is currently sitting around with a complete invulnerability to bullets which is also costless, and seems to last over a period of two posts at least, while also being able to immediately react to a camouflaged attack with an AOE ability far more powerful than anything Jok has, and he's equipped with explosives. Be honest Innue, what the fuck is my character supposed to do in this fight? Shoot? No, shield. Explode? No, flying. Grenade Launcher? No, bounced away/Fly, Run? No, death balls. Stab? Fly away, death ball. This is impossible. I can't melee a flying character and I can't range attack a character with complete immunity to the vast majority of ranged projectiles. The only counter to this character is a heavy magic-slinging character, or a flying character, which is way too narrow a counter range for a tournament at a low-powered tier level. Hell, can anyone else in this tournament come up with any decent strategies to defeat that skill-set with their own characters? If no more than one person can that character is broken. [/quote] Actually, you just still haven't taken advantage of the structure of the Arena AND the items in your inventory. I even offered to allow you to increase the amount of what you are carrying precisely to take advantage of that. You've also seemingly resigned yourself to only using your weapons directly on your target (even though your RPG would actually affect him if utilized correctly), nor capitalized on your arsenal of explosives and expertise with them. You have tools at your disposal to defeat your opponent, despite the fact it is a direct counter to one of your weapons and likely a number of your common strategies. I will be extremely frank - I almost, ALMOST reassigned your match specifically because I knew the fight would devolve to precisely this. An despite the constant complaints about the character, I have continually reexamined the other bios in the tournament. I am confident a number of them have tools they can utilize to deal with the opponent, especially as the tournament progresses (the map changes).