I have desperately tried to avoid getting into any of the mindless bitching that Melon has been doing, but I feel the need to clarify a few things: Touho has yet to fly in this fight. Melon's constant assertions that the flying completely dicks him over is huge metagaming on his behalf (something I have personally tried to avoid) because the most I have done is floated a foot or so off of the ground (and sure, you could even post that your character logically inferred such a thing is possible, but there are no such comments on Jok's behalf). I can create two "death orbs" every five minutes. They do not require a lot of preparation, this is correct, but they are quite severely nerfed at close range and they are absolutely not the speed of a bullet (or the max speed of 250 feet per second). It is more like a slightly slower baseball being thrown. I don't know how you possibly got that it was that fast. You have used an - if not outright wrong - awfully shitty combat tactic in the form of ill-defining what you're doing under the guise of preventing metagaming and seeking to later define it in such a fashion that it benefits you. I will work around this or wait for a ruling either way, but it is a bad thing to do and I am ashamed that you have done it. The condensed wind shield I have now does not block attacks with sufficient mass to resist it. Bullets, being fast but light, are the ideal things for it to block. Continuing to bitch about this and exaggerate it beyond what it is capable of in an attempt to demean me is also /really/ shitty of you. I also think that your conduct throughout this entire affair has been less than stellar, and that you may want to reconsider being as aggressive as you have the next time something goes poorly for you. This is not some casual fight, this is a tournament, and your acting as you have done does nothing but waste Innue's time, my time, and your time and demean us all. [@LeeRoy]: Categorically no. I appreciate the situation, but my inclination to provide any form of leeway to Melon has long-since passed.