[quote=@MelonHead] The flying doesn't 'dick me over' it screws over every melee focused character in this tournament, which is about half the other players. I'm complaining on their behalf. The limitation on death orbs is hardly a limitation, one is more than enough. You used the awfully shitty combat tactic of instantly reacting to a stealthy attack, where-as I made a slight (and unintentional) error by not stating exactly how far my character shuffled backwards, which is an easy mistake to make. That limitation makes no sense, the mass of a bullet is irrelevant in regards to the fact that by Innue's ruling it still maintains the energy and pressure of a bullet fired at full speed. Your shield is able to immediately negate that force apparently. Also, speaking of poorly described actions, you didn't even say what masses are effected, are you saying the shield literally only stops bullets? That's clear bullshit then and obviously just tacked on to hard counter gun fighters considering bullets shouldn't even exist in your universe from a cursory look of your character's history. I don't really care what you think about my conduct, I think more than enough of the same about you. [/quote] Ok.