[quote=@MelonHead] When I read that I inferred that I could swap weapons at the start of each round, that was a miscommunication, but as I said it hardly matters now as I'm unwilling to meta-game a box of weapons into the map. Also, my reply pretty clearly shows that I misunderstood what you were saying. Why would I ask if he had intel before a fight to make his loadout decisions by if he could just swap weapons in the fight? It's also worth pointing out that I'm not meta-gaming with my character, I've taken one offensive action against my opponent, who seems humanoid. Why would my character assume bullets wouldn't be effective and fire a rocket at a person? That's just insane. I'm trying to play my character properly, because this is a roleplay not a sport. Which is more than I can say for my opponent with an intrinsic knowledge and defence against firearms, a weapon which doesn't even exist in their universe. [/quote] I've repeatedly stated that the map changes each round and indicated, very clearly, you could [b]use all of your weapons[/b] in a match. I assumed the intel would affect the weapons you started the match with. It seemed a sensible question to ask given that I was letting you have your entire arsenal.