[hider=Potential aggression warning, not for the faint of heart] I'm sorry, I'm having difficulty drafting up any sort of response with the threat of you perceiving it as aggressive and silencing me permanently, to be dramatic about it. Can you rather than immediately removing me highlight any areas in the proceeding post which are aggressive so I may remove them rather than causing you added discomfort, we have very different ideas of what aggression is. It's difficult to make an argument when we're being told you're going to kick us out for what you perceive as aggression. I don't even understand what you're talking about, there must be a massive social divide between us or something because to my understanding I've yet to do anything broaching aggression. I'm not threatening anyone or acting in a violent manner or even insulting anyone personally, the furthest I've gone as far as I'm aware is to be critical of some actions which have been taken and to question the responses to legitimate concerns so far. In response I've had my behaviour labelled as shitty and shameful, which is fair enough, I don't think any of those descriptions are aggressive, apparently you don't either, as you've only levelled any direct concern with my behaviour, save for LeeRoy just then when he chimed in also of the opinion that you had made a mistake. You've also probably made the common mistake of missing what I can only assume at this point is British humour, feel free to ask anyone who's been in Arena for a while, this is just my personality. As for evidence of a tier imbalance, I can only provide 1. Rilla's concern with the character's power level, mentioned a few days ago when I first levelled a complaint in the OOC of my fight, I don't remember it being addressed. 2. LeeRoy following up Rilla's concern on the same day, and making comments on it from then on. 3. Vordak recently saying today that his character had no concievable way to fight the character in question with his character's abilities and equipment alone, when he could think of strategies to fight every other character in the tournament. 4. My own concerns which have obviously been expressed a fair amount. 5. No one save you and Tuuj have come in to support that the character is not clearly overpowered for the perceived power level of this tournament. Now, that's only four people questioning your decision, does this constitute enough evidence that the issue exists? [/hider]