[@thewizardguy] Once the creature's taken cosmos to the moon, it's wires begin to dig in, the small film preventing it from eating him despite the fact that it doesn't really seem all that interested in doing so, it's wires more intent on investigating his body, it's cellular make up, and even the atomic intereactions between the iron and the oxygen, it's wires shifting around a bit to nonvital areas once it discovers said vitals and their functions. Though, the only problem arises when it reaches the brain and begins to muck about in it. Despite cosmos's mystical nature, having his brain poked and prodded does still feel weird, especially when it reaches certain areas to trigger emotional responses like fear, lust, or simply supernaturally calm. Once it's exploration is done, it's wires shift and it begins to let cosmos up, it's body structure changing and using muscle designs present in the human body, but much more potent due to the nature of the wires, it's three talloned hand warping to become a clawed, humanoid hand while the wires along it's body condense to for a thick, black 'skin of sorts before it's throat begins to be meticulously worked on to recreate vocal cords, it's voice sounding exactly like cosmos's own as it asks "what am i?..." in a long, carefully enunciated sentence