Seto honestly had no idea where they would go. "Probably the control room on the second floor." He said as he closed his eyes but only be pushed back. He was glad though that he didn't get a blade to the head. He crawled through the door way. "Crap." Yes. Kaiba for once felt useless. "so now what?" He prayed that Mokuba would be alright. He wanted no harm to come to him. He hoped Yugi and Yami were with him. Yami felt worry for Mokuba, feeling that the power of his puzzle wasn't going to help. He thought it would. Maybe it would just buy some time. Either way this wasn't good. Yugi though had a fair question. "I do no know. I thought so too. Unless there are some people that tapped into the dark powers of the shadow realm. Priests back in Egypt did have that power. It is possible that is basically what they are, only using it for personal gain of course." Yami explained to his partner. "For what is gathering now, with what exposure that Mokuba has had in the past with the shadow realm, he would have some immunity but for a period of time, however his mind is still growing and can't take all that exposure in as well as physically. You have had many exposures and had grown mentally and physically. Therefore you have a immunity level that is much longer. However at some point your body and mind can still only take so much before you get the effects. I even have my limits within the shadow realm." The Pharaoh explained while they made their way to the control room. "Hopefully we will be able to find Seto before Mokuba can't too much more. I just didn't think his limit would be so short, even with the help of the puzzle." He admitted. However a small glow came from Seto's deck. The glow then formed around his body. The effects seemed to wear off instantly. "Mokuba. You have Seto's deck correct?" Yami was amazed. If that was Seto's deck, then he had a feeling what card glowed.