Kathleen, the Black Lioness [quote=@GreivousKhan] [hider=Gatsha, The Black Lioness] [img]http://www.cuded.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/20101114_warrior_girl_by_perzo-600x900.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Gatsha (Her European Masters have renamed her Kathleen) [b]Race/Nationality:[/b] African [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Class:[/b] Gladiatrix [b]Appearance:[/b] Standing at 5’10 and weighing just under 147 Ib’s, Gatsha is tall for a human woman, even possessing broad-shouldered and is lean, well-muscled, with dark skin and dark eyes - every bit as fierce as her gaze suggests. Her hair is worn in thick braids, tied back and up, and she dresses simply in worn, comfortable combat gear. Though she's not unattractive, the watchful, aloof air of a seasoned adventurer and warrior makes her, if not unapproachable, then less appealing to more urbane and mannered peers. She wears spiked gauntlets over her hands, but by far the most arresting part of her armament is the heavy, hook-bladed poleaxe she carries, walking with it as though with a staff. It's easily big enough for a man larger than her size, but she carries it with a casual ease that suggests a familiarity with the weapon born of long use. [b]Personality:[/b] Gatsha is a straight forward individual and a no-nonsense warrior. Slow to judge, or take offence and surprisingly clever, despite no formal education. Well even tempered enough, Gatsha, when angered, can become a true terror to whoever is the object of her ire. Gatsha is often slow to trust strangers, but gives them ample enough time to earn it, and those who can call her friend have a stalwart ally indeed, one who would never abandon them and would die in their place in a heartbeat. Her time in the wilds means she holds little to no value in gold or riches, and indeed would even pass such things by should they come across her path. One cannot buy Kathleen's trust. Given her past, one might be surprised to learn that Kathleen's one greatest fear is in fact being alone. She also hates an unfair fight, and will defend someone who can't defend themselves if their life is in danger. Though apart of that is she also enjoys a good fight. [b]History:[/b] Gatsha’s, or Kathleen’s given her new name, past is partly shrouded in mystery, for one she does not even know the identity of her birth parents. Found as an orphan on the borders of the Korcari Wilds by a Chasind tribe. The elder, a kindly women named Eavan, took pity on the child and took the young defenceless babe as her own. Gatsha would grow up and spend most of her young life amongst the Chasind, who treated her as one of their own thus forming a strong kinship, even so life in the southern african wastes were not easy by any means. Gatsha would learn the viable skills needed for survival, hunting, tracking, and skinning game, how best to avoid the many dangers of the wilds by reading Chasind markings, she was even taught minor herbalist skills from Eavan, who became something of her adopted mother. The peaceful tribe never saw Gatsha as an outsider, and it was not long before she was quickly assimilated into the community as she learned their ways. As a young girl, Gatsha grew quickly enough, in fact at the age of thirteen winters she stood almost a head taller than even boys much older than her. Many of the tribe nicknamed her Damhnait, which loosely translated 'Ox' in the Roman tongue. Gatsha's physical stature would only continue to grow as she aged, something many of the children picked on her for. This often resulted with a boy ending up with a bloody nose if not worse, as Gatsha would develop quit the nasty temper. Though she was ever the soft spoken and peaceful sort on most occasions, when provoked she could become frightening indeed. By the time she was of age, the tribes war leader was impressed by Gatsha's strength, and quickly mentored her in the Chasind styled fighting. Among the young unblooded, she would become the most promising and formidable fighter, showing a kind of relentlessness that was unmatched by all, but the most savage, proving her worth in hunts and raids alike. However, the peace she knew would not last. During the last days of a rather harsh winter, a marauding tribe from the far southern wastes swept north in a great raid. Gatsha’s village was right in its path. Though they fought bravely, the unforeseen and unprovoked assault quickly overwhelmed the tribes defenders, leading to many- young or old, being butchered indiscriminately. Gatsha, who was away on a hunt, came too late to lend any aid, arriving in time only to watch Eavan, the only women she could call mother, skewered by a spear. The sight of the women who raised, taught, and protected her from childhood murdered before her eyes caused something to snap in Gatsha that day. With powerful bewildering war cry she charged into the ranks of the raiders left behind killing, or at least injuring many before they even realized they were under attack. Though they outnumbered her easily enough, the sight was enough to break the ranks of the raiders and force them to flee. The damage by then had been down however, and hardly anything of the tribe was left in the wake of the war party. Gatsha held a dying Eavan as she drew her last breaths, and with her death Kathleen was truly alone once again. Scavenging what she could she soon moved on, leaving what was no bitter memories and reminders behind. She would travel the dangerous Korcari Wilds alone for the next two years, managing to eek out a living where few others could hope to survive using the many skills she had learned from her tribe. It was not an easy existence. She tried to join other tribes, but it never ended well. Eventually as fate would have it, while camping in the north of Africa within a cave for shelter. Gatsha would wake to the sight of what remained of a great battle the next day. A patrol of Roman Soldiers discovered her, and thinking her to be a local mercenary involved in the battle, she was taken as a prisoner of war. Her fierce attitude and spirit caught the attention of her captors and she was made to become the rare and few Gladiatrix’s in Rome. [b]Weapons:[/b] Spear-The Spear Gatsha uses is made from extremely durable steel. The spear features a very long handle with a decent sized spearhead. The spear head has an appealing curved design, making it suitable for trying to trip an opponent. The spear measurements are as follows: Overall Length: 70.5 Inches Handle Length: 40 Inches Blade Length: 24 Inches Arm Shield- This shield embodies a certain elegance of form. The curved, wood grained finish is accented with riveted antique brass trim. It possess hardened leather wrapping, hard metal handle for support and control that is coated in pig skin for extra grip and comfort. The center of the shield has a metal buckler suited for bashing or protecting. The arm guard also features two pronged blades some 7 inches long down the front to be used as a weapon in themselves. The upper metal prongs are dulled in the center to avoid cutting herself with it in battle, though it should be noted they bend outward for this reason. The prongs serve the further duel purpose of catching blades with them. Height: 44.5 Inches Width: 23.5 Inches Weight: 1 lb. 12 oz. Roman Maintz Gladius Sword- The Roman Maintz Gladius Gatsha uses features a full tang construction, strong steel blade, and hardwood handle. Its highly polished steel spacer at the bottom of the handle offers strength and durability. A wood scabbard, wrapped in leather, is included. Blade Length: 21 Inches Handle Length: 8.25 Inches Overall Length: 29.25 Inches Balance Point: 2.5 Inches Below Hilt Weight: 2 lbs. 5 oz. [b]Armour:[/b] Upper Body- As a Gladiatrix, Gatsha is not allowed to wear head protection. She wears a iron shoulder guard with leather underbelly on her left shoulder. Middle Body- For simple protection Gatsha wears as seen in the picture, though she does wear a leather arm-guard on her right hand, while her left forearm is protected by her shield. Lower Body- Leather boots reinforced with iron protect her lower legs and calves. Gatsha wears no groin protection aside from her leather belt and simple loincloth. Skills: Tracking, Hunting, trap-making, a talented herbalist, and possess General Survival skills Fighting- Gatsha’s experience and training with her tribe has created a rather accomplished warrior. She possess a keen insight for combat, able to pick up quickly on a changing battlefield. Thus she is an adept warrioress thanks to her time in the arena. She has become a skilled sword fighter, though has more experience and ability using spears. Strength- Gatsha is surprisingly strong, for a women at least, possessing the strength and endurance to match more than a few Greek Olympic athletes. Speed- Her time in the harsh wilderness has allowed her to inherit the stamina and speed well known of her people. She can run longer and faster (24mph) then more civilized peoples. Agility- Gatsha enjoys better flexibility than her male counter parts, but her true edge comes from her nimble footwork rather then her out right mobility. The warriors of her tribe believed more in staying mobile then taking a blow or blocking. [/hider] [/quote]