[color=00a651][h2] Virgo Knightly [/h2][/color] Virgo gave her two teammates a sweet smile, and while shaking Jace's hand replied, "I'm Virgo, though you probably knew that already. I look forward to working with the two of you." She wasn't really bothered or offended by Ursa's behavior; she had a feeling that was just how he was. However, it was a bit strange that the Headquarters would send Ursa on a recruiting mission like this. Maybe they wanted him to work on his people skills? It was very apparent that he needed to improve on them. Virgo glanced over at the clock hanging on one of the atrium's wall for the time; they only had about an hour until their flight. "We should probably get going," she said, not wanting to waste any time. "We can discuss the mission more on our way to the airport." She got up to exit the building and assumed that Jace and Ursa were following behind her. There waiting for them was a car, ready to take them to the airport. She got in the back of the car and gave a polite greeting to their driver before putting on her seat belt. Once she was situated, she took out the file they were given about their mission. Once they arrived in California, there was going to be another car that was going to drive them to the home of Malachi Carver. From there, it was all them. It seemed simple enough; maybe the Headquarters gave her this mission since it was her first one. But it was still baffling to her that Ursa was here too. Maybe there will be some dangers that requires his abilities? Other than that, she didn't have any questions or concern. "So...Ursa?" she began, trying to see if he would ever say a word or seem to acknowledge her existence. "Any thoughts on our mission?"