Gatsha watched, waited, and sure enough her opponent made the first move. Dashing across the expanse between them in a headlong charge to engage in combat. Gatsha hunkered down and waited, raising her shield arm slightly. The man's shield she noted as indeed quite large, and easily the heaviest piece of equipment he had. An interesting choice for one on one combat. She noted also that while she was taller, the man seemed more heavyset then herself. She’d have to keep that in mind if it come to close quarters fighting. Gatsha even noted that she had not seen many pale men with this ones hair color before. Though in truth, all the north-men looked the same to her. Once in range her opponent started off with a simple underhand thrust. A move she had been well prepared for. Her shield was smaller and covered less than her opponents, but it was also lighter, quicker, and thicker. Her shield arm shifted diagonally from upper left too a downward right sweep across, effectively batting her opponents spear point aside and down. Considering his momentum and the fact Gatsha stood parallel so her left side faced her opponent, it was a simple enough task to ward away the probing attack. As she deflected the man's thrust down, she couched her spear and shot out a high thrust of her own toward the man's face, specifically between the eyes, in the form of a quick jab. Placing most of her eight on her left foot as she did so. She expect it to be blocked, but it would force him to duck under his shield thus obfuscating his line of sight for a moment. If he wasn't quick enough, he could easily get a get a gash across the forehead. The kind that loved to bleed. Or lose an eye at worse. In short Gatsha would deflect Brennus’s spear thrust down while countering with her own jab toward his face in the span of a heart beat. Block or hit Gatsha would pull back her spear and wait for an opening to present itself while her smaller shield was held at the ready.