[center][img]http://i50.tinypic.com/1o7o82.png[/img] [color=0076a3]Name[/color]: Lucas Samuel Daniels [color=0076a3]Age[/color]: 18 [color=0076a3]Sex[/color]: Male [color=0076a3]Sexual/Romantic Preference[/color]: Heterosexual [color=0076a3]Diagnosis[/color]: Schizophrenia [color=0076a3]Circumstance of Break[/color]: Would hear him mumble and speak to 'people' only he seemed to see. Was found on the roof of high school on the ledge conversing with someone while his feet kicked from the edge. [color=0076a3]Supernatural Identity:[/color] Necromancer [color=0076a3]Stay length:[/color] 4 months [color=0076a3]Likes/Dislikes:[/color] [hider=Likes] •Reading •Playing his violin •Drawing random patterns in the air when he's thinking •Quiet •Rain [/hider] [hider= Dislikes] ~Loud places ~Crowds ~Talking to his therapist ~Talking to others ~Summer ~Being cooped up for too long [/hider] [color=0076a3]Personality:[/color] Lucas has always been quiet, only raising his voice when something upsets him. He hasn't spoken much since an incident that happened when he was eight however. He's kind to those who don't bother him and happily helps them out if they need it, he'll stay away from those who his friends think are bad or make him feel uneasy. [color=0076a3]Biography:[/color] Lucas has lived with his grandparents since he was three years old due to a car accident that killed his parents, he's never really been the same after that. His first 'friend' was a girl who's arms were covered in bandages, he was four and had been left with a babysitter while his grandparents had gone out to have a reunion with their friends, they came back and found their grandson sitting on his bed and excitedly talking to someone he said was there. They ignored it and played it off as an imaginary friend, the babysitter refused to return saying that things had begun to move around the time Lucas had excitedly said he had a new friend. They asked him from time to time as he grew older how his friends were doing, he'd tell them bits of what they'd told him and would sometimes ask his friend to move something, most of the time an argument would begin that had things lifting or slamming around the house that would leave both speechless. When he reached his teenage years, Lucas became quite and would no longer speak about his friends out loud, sometimes coming home with bruises or blood on his face. They intervened when he came home clutching his chest and mumbling about "I tried, they just don't understand, I'll try again, I will." Both allowed him to continue school, quietly telling their family friend -Lucas' high-school guidance counselor- to keep an eye on him and make sure he was doing okay, he'd also been skipping lunch as well she tells them. That's who they found him, on his schools roof with his feet hanging off the edge and cuts from earlier that were made by the bullies with their pocket knives showing across his pale wrists. He was taken and sedated as he tried to fight them. [/center]