"I'm sorry, Zhou." She walked over next to him, staring at him a long quiet moment before speaking again, "I know that you must want to spend more time with her, I wish that there was an address or something that could allow you at least one more quick visit before we leave.." He nodded as he didn't need to say more. "It looks like this journey will take us farther from what we want than we first thought.. And it seems as if Avatar Masuto isn't the only person that needs help.." She looked to the man walking down the street as well. As he watched the man walk down the street. He could tell by his movements that the man was very in control of his movements, by his foot steps and arm movement he is a very confidant man The man was a fighter. From his dark skin he was from a water tribe. She then said"We'll have to be on guard. By any means, if you are prepared.. we should check with the others." Before he could say anything he looked over at Masuto. Masuto turned to his team, smiling with a little confidence. "Well, we should get going. I don't want to attract attention and sit around. Zenji then said "I think we've already attracted some attention." As she looked to the man as well. He balled up his fist just in case... The man did look familiar. ---- Nyima smiled at Rayn when he pulled up in front of her house. Pulling her bag on over her shoulder, she walked down the steps and nodded, "I told you I would be waiting." She hesitated a moment before She climbed onto the bike behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist. She looked at him, "Let's get this show on the road." He played with the throttle fora moment before spinning around and driving off towards the avatars house. It only took them a few moments before he parked a few blocks away, catching sight of them but staying out of site. An art that he picked up Very well. He turned off his bike and positioned himself so they won't tip over. "Now we see how "charming" Han Li is."