@AlineThere seems to be some lapses between classes since Kyo just went to Bio, and Senjin has Health + Bio, and you suggested Senjin go to Health first. I think we're going to have to coordinate it.
-=The Great Proposition of 2015 Electives=-
by OldManWong (the Great)
Third Classes:Biology
Phys. Ed.
Fourth Classes:Calligraphy
Now, the problem in general is as follows no matter how you shuffle things, either there will have to be an elective class for both Third and Fourth Class Slots, or someone will have to switch something.
-=Character Classes=-
Health [4th]
Biology [3rd]
KyokoBiology [3rd]
Phys. Ed. [3rd]
MaikoMusic [4th]
Phys. Ed. [3rd]
GideonHealth [4th]
Phys. Ed. [3rd]
EmiMusic [4th]
Phys. Ed. [3rd]
IchiroBio [3rd]
Calligraphy [4th]
Now, the only area where classes overlap is with Illusion's Kyoko. I feel bad singling her out, but that's the only format where only one person has either overlapping courses or a mismatch with other's courses.
That, and in general, Ichiro's the only one taking Calligraphy.
Edit: We can also omit this completely if there's Third and Fourth classes for all electives.