Mahtan's green eyes shot open and he gasped deeply, his chest expanding all the way and then snapping back to normal as he pushed all of the caught air from his lungs. His whole body hurt, and his head was pounding. There was no longer any black left in his eyes, and his silver hair was matted with blood as it rest against his shoulders. He remembered what had happened, and he kept his eyes focused on downward as he stared at the bruises and cuts all over his body. Slowly he began to shake, something completely unlike him, but not out of fear. It was because of the fact that he was alive, he was happy. He knew that he was currently resting against a tree due to the fact that the hard bark was pressing into his back, and his weapons were scattered at different distances away from him, but within arms length. He grunted as he leaned forward and grabbed them both, then slammed his back against the tree, already exhausted due to the exertion. It was now he realized that it was silent...far too silent. Mahtan's eyes shot up as he stared at where he had faced Arya, emerald eyes filling with a black inky substance as he saw where she was...or rather, where she once stood. Black and red blood puddles dotted the road like polka-dots, both Demon and Elven body parts were a part of this. His knuckles turned white as he gripped the hilts of his weapons with incredible strength, and sweat began beading at his forehead. He could see someone walking away down the road, blooded weapon in hand. What had happened? Had he blacked out? Where was Arya? Why is he alive? Intense raged boiled up inside him as he used the tree to push himself to his feet, body shaking all over even more violently before. He slowly began stumbling toward the heap of what was body parts and ashes. Among the gruesome mess, he could see silver hair, and a white-skinned hand gracefully grasping an Elven blade....but it was no longer attached to an arm or body. Mahtan's eyes filled with tears as he realized that he was staring at the body, or at least what was left of it. With a loud scream he dropped his weapons and slammed both of his fists into the ground, feeling something pop in both of them. He grabbed the hand from the Elven blade and held it in his own, staring down at the fair skin. Tear drops fell down onto the last noticeable body part of Arya as he pulled the green ring off of her finger, the large emerald almost seeming to stare back into his eyes. He remembered the day he gave it to her, she marveled at how is resembled his eyes so closely. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm not a demon I swear just don't hurt me." Mahtan's eyes stayed an inky black as he swung around, the ring now in his pocket. He growled loudly, and in such a way that would make anyone think he was a Demon, for the sound that escaped his lips was not recognizable as human. "YOU! YOU DID THIS. DEMON. WHORE!" With the blink of an eye, Mahtan was able to scramble to his feet and dart over to the woman that had made her presence known. When he reached her position he lifted a leg and spun completely around, then let out a powerful kick that connected with her face, sending her small frame skidding across the ground and towards the tree where he once lay. His eyes were completely black by this time, and the veins on his hands also started becoming tainted. His fists were left balled as he kept stomping towards his new victim, black eyes now set on her neck. "There is nobody here to save you, little lamb. You are going to die here..." Mahtan chuckled as a thin smile pulled at the corners of his mouth, reaching the woman that was on the ground, clutching the side of her face. He reached down and grabbed a handful of her hair, yanking her to her feet despite her cries for help. "Don't you DARE scream for help, after what you did to her. HOW DARE YOU?!" Mahtan brought his fist back, black veins having completely tainted his entire arm by now, and stared into the woman's eyes. Just as he was about to let it forward, he felt a strong hand on his fist, holding him back. Accompanying it was the smell of a bloodied human, and Mahtan realized what he was doing. The girl in his grasp parted her lips and spoke for the first time since the assault, "....Susanna. My Susanna" Mahtan's body went back to normal, along with the emerald green color dripping back into his eyes. His smile faded and he dropped the girl back onto the ground, turning to face the man that had stopped them. Mahtan recognized him immediately as a nobleman, being off noble birth himself. The human just stared at Mahtan, looking just as bloodied and beat as he was. Hey, could you change Seth's line in your post to: "No Elf...she did not do this. It was a Warrior, and I had attempted to before it bested me. But I lost somebody too, long ago. I know how you feel. I know that the darkness in your soul wants to lash out at everyone near you, but you have to keep it inside. I am Seth of Valeria, by the way." Mahtan simply shook his head and took a knee, placing a hand on Susanna's shoulder. "I'm sorry." was the only thing he could think to say, and Susanna flinched underneath his touch. With a sigh Mahtan went to stand up, but immediately cried out and doubled back over as a pole struck him right in the crotch, and he could see Susanna grinning at him, her eyes flashing black for a second. Seth grunted and fell to his knees, then into a sitting position, staring at Mahtan and Susanna. Mahtan looked from person to person, clutching his newly battered crotch. "Susanna...your eyes." Shortly after speaking, the only sound from Mahtan was the releasing of air as his eyes rolled back into his head and he toppled to one side, blood beginning to pour from his wounds once more.