[img]http://orig10.deviantart.net/4b71/f/2011/035/8/1/lantern_corps_oaths_by_ansem3-d38srxx.jpg[/img] The Guardians of Oa see that the Sinestro Corps are spreading across the multiverse, planing on taking it over usong their great fear. The realize they must recruit new lanterns. So they send the rings of the Green Lanterns, Blue Lanbterns, Red Lanterns, Violet lanterns, and the Indigo Tribe. However unknown to them all The Black Lantern corps are slowly rising Rules I wont be using orange lanterns because then they would be turning in everyone Any character from any time of show, movie manga comic game book etc can be used Explain how rthey fit into the lantern corp Your character can change lantern corps Lantern corps Yellow/Sintestro Corps(Fear) Green Lantern Corps(WillPower) Blue Lantern Corps(Hope) Red Lantern corps(Anger) Violet/Star Sapphires(Love) Indigo Tribes(Compassion) Orange/Avarice Lantern Corps(Greed) Name Alias age Look Abilities Lantern Corp Why you fit into the corps Do you Plan on staying in the corps Other