Search for Diana -Hector As they made their at through the streets his eyes sting as the sand started to blow into them. As many of times as he visited here he still hated the sand. He was better suited for the seas. Just as it seemed the storm was going to be caught In the storm they reached the weaver's shop. At the entrance was a tall fellow, armed with a bastard sword who was ushering them inside. "COME ON, APPRENTICE OF TEILA! WE DON'T HAVE ALL DAY!" He notices the rest of the group following her and nods them inside. "YOU LOT TOO! MOVE!" He looked at the man who had his face partially covered with a mask. The upper part he did see and it seemed that the man himself was caught in a few storms....and been through some rough battles. "Charming fellow..." He said softly as they moved into the shop. Inside he saw a wide assortment of clothing and a the he shop keeper was an elf, shaved bald, looking weary and pale with a pair of pale grey eyes greeted them as they walked in. He heard Nadira say “I suppose we should.. make ourselves acquainted.. we may be here for a while after all” Nadira left them to their own bidding while she made her way around the shop. He sighed as he walked around the shop why couldn't they be stuck in a weapons shop instead? He asked himself as he picked up a hat. His chin jutted out as he inspected it. 10 years as a pirate he never found the perfect hat. He did for a while but lost it during a raid on one of the Liverian ships. Every hat he's tried just wasn't... Him. He grumbled as he tossed the hat back on the the rack. He glanced to his right his eyebrows raised as he noticed tall woman with a scar across the bridge of her nose wearing a mix of leather and chain mail armor. Women who knew their way in battle always had a strong personality. Which he couldn't resist one who could keep him on his toes. He slowly made his way over as he looked around. He heard Nadira again "Hello there, as much as I appreciate the shelter from the storm, I don't suppose you know why I was sent here? Or are you simply the look out..” "Perhaps we are here to witness a beginning of a joke with an elf, a dwarf and a human in the same building " he said with a smile. He then looked towards the elf." Perhaps you would be the one more suited to ask that question are the keeper of the store after all."