[h3]Shizuka Otonashi || Warakuma Park || May 1 FRI[/h3] [color=ed1c24]"I think this is yours, Ma'am. Sorry, I think you got to try again."[/color] Quickly turning herself around to face the speaker, Shizuka slightly jumped at sight of Alexei with the 100 yen she had just thrown on the palm of his hand. Oooh boy, she had indeed hit a person with that coin toss, a person she was acquainted to, at that. With the obvious panic in her voice, the shorter girl stuttered in a louder tone than usual at the surprise. [color=violet]"D-Dragunov-san?! O-Oh my goodness, I-I deeply apologize for that li-little accident!"[/color] Bowing over and over in sincere apology, she approached the man and continued in a concerned voice, [color=violet]"A-Are you hurt by any chance from the coin? U-Um, it might not be much but I-I have a band aid in my purse."[/color] Even before the elder Dragunov had the chance to speak, the flustered student dug her hand into her bag in a slight panic, rummaging through it to pull out one of the checkered band aids she bought the other day. A pink checkered band aid. It was certainly too... [i]girly[/i] for the other but it was the only color she had in her possession. She held it out in front of the other anyway. In response to the suggestion he made for the raven haired girl to retry, Shizuka strongly shook her head, still embarrassed at the mishap. [color=violet]"N-No thank you! I-I'd rather not cause another accident like that, t-the rumor is not worth trying again with the ri-risk of repeating such accident."[/color]