Surprised, Zac was left standing in the same spot for a split-second before his usual grin split his face. Breaking into a dead sprint, he chases after his new friend, his sword clacking in it's sheath as it bounces on his back. Slowly, he begins gaining ground on Runya, but he knows that it's most likely due to her not trying her hardest, considering that leap she made just minutes ago. "Why should I tell you," he calls back, already starting to feel slightly winded, although the beach was pretty far behind him, "when I can just do it and let everyone else figure it out?!" Soon, the group that had left a while ago comes into view, with the addition of a woman and a black chocobo. As he and Runya race past them, Zac turns to face them and waves 'goodbye,' a glint in his eyes challenging anyone else to his and Runya's race, before turning back and resuming his sprint, even though he was starting to feel the run weigh on his legs. [i]You don't get stronger by giving up,[/i] he tells himself, feeling as if his motto gave him enough energy to continue running, even though he'd much rather collapse some shade somewhere and take a long nap.