Nianxi returned back to the mercenary camp, with the books in her bag, while happy mercenaries, through shaken by the attack their mind felt, were happy about their loot, going straight to the local merchant. The camp was rather simple, though large. Large wooden logs, sharpened on the upper end constituted for walls, with platforms and towers for towers. Flimsy wooden gates covered the entrances, and some men started digging a moat, aiming to fill it with spikes. The smell of sweat and vomit permeated the camp, centered around the bar, nearly the only structure in the camp. Well, it was more like the camp was built around that bar. The bar owners welcomed this many customers, especially when they protect you, and the customers welcomed a place to get drunk and rowdy. And it was Nianxi's next destination. [b]"Can you feel it? We share our senses, our feelings, our emotions. You and I are different sides of the same coin, Nianxi, you CANNOT ignore me. And after all, I am trying to help you. Our soul is fractured, my side is demonic, and that comes with a few perks, as you just recently witnessed. Now, stop trying to ignore me, and FEEL IT."[/b] It was no use, she could not ignore Xiandra's voice in the back of her head. What does she want Nianxi to feel? And then, she realized. Without eve looking, Nianxi just knew how many people were around, and where. Each of them gave of an unique "feeling", yet she could not yet discern them, nor she could not explain it. Nianxi just felt, she KNEW. Is this the infamous 6th sense of the demons? [b]"See? Not that hard. You are not very proficient at it, and I don't blame you, but I'm sure it will come in handy. Of course, it will be much more effective when I'm using it. See, that's the second perk! We can work together, "sis"!"[/b] Sister? The demonic piece of her soul was no sister to her. [b]"No way...[/b] Nianxi muttered under her breath, and entered the bar. She took a seat, and put down her books, and started looking around. Nianxi remembers seeing some rather "exotic" individuals, and they were her best bet to translating those books, but neither of them were here.. All she could do at this point could wait, and read the only book that was in a language she could understand - "The History of House Serilya".