Royal blood-Jason Drake Crown-Prince Xavier leans back in his throne as each one finishes. "I see." He mutters. He then looks at Mikan. "The fact that they sent you tells me how grave this situation is, considering you once broke into this very castle and left a note on my father's bed whilst he slept just to prove that you could." As Mikan looks up at him and shrugs Jason's head nods once and with suppressed smile ' impressive...' He thought as he watched her rest her hands on her hips. "I was trying to warn you that your security was weak." She stated matter of factly. Crown-Prince Xavier finally stands and steps down from his throne, as he did he could see a tiny smile on his face as he looked at Mikan. He glances towards each member of the group and nods accordingly, motioning for those still kneeling to stand. As he spoke Jason stood up slowly, his cloak quickly covering his body as he did." You may rise. I am not as formal as my father was." He watched as his daughter moves to stand but with a single motion from Xavier she sits back down, remaining shrouded in darkness. "Your quick arrival is appreciated." He whistles to the falcon, which quickly moves to his gloved hands. This motion set in turn a few other sounds of moving stone, as the falcon had been standing on a tiny glyph of magic, obscuring it from the great light at the centre of the room. The glyph lit up brightly, and after a few seconds, a large table and a set of chairs were quietly pushed over the glyph by large stone gargoyles. As the glyph is covered by the table and chairs, the gargoyles return to their positions. Normally we have a large, ornate carpet covering it which we can burn or remove with ease to activate the gargoyles to do... Whatever task the royalty wills them to do... However, the carpet was stained with my father's blood, and thus... It seemed only appropriate that while a new one is being retrieved from Tulerian merchants, that we have something keeping the glyph under control." He runs a gloved finger over the beak of the falcon, and then dismisses it. It was at this point that he finally motioned for his daughter, and she complied quickly and quietly. Jason noted this. The crown-prince liked the control and power he had, to a degree that he would control his daughters movements when it is not called for.. It is obvious that he will control his daughters words as well just by his pressence. In the princesses hands was a large bag full of documents. She left it on the table and then sits, the Crown-Prince Xavier sits at the opposite end of his daughter, looking up for a moment at the darkened ceiling and nodding before looking back to the group, At which Jason narrowed his eyes and while using the cowl of his cloak he hides the fact of looking up at the ceiling, re positioning himself just right to avoid the glare of the light. Perhaps it was guards with bows or cross bows with their weapons trained on them just in case. Despite what he would see up there he would calmly sit after Xavier would say. "Please, sit." He motions with his arms to sit at any of the available chairs. At which he sat at between Xavier and The Princess Penelope as they were directly a accrossed from each other he sat at a 90 degree angle from them so he could watch them both to see their reactions . "Sit, and ask... Any questions you need before proceeding with your investigation." Mikan then asks "... Your daughter's name is?..." Jason already knew her name, having grown up in the capital and in the castle with his mentor, he was more exposed to the politics and learned names of royalty in other kingdoms as part of his training. Xavier responds with a softness that didn't seem characteristic to his otherwise uptight appearance. "Penelope... Princess Penelope. She was apparently in the room when it happened... She does not remember anything specific enough to be of aid." Despite his controlling personality it was clear he cared for her perhaps controlling her so he could protect her. She continues to stare at the table, almost entirely unresponsive towards the discussion involving her. At which he thought was strange but if she was there for the murder, for one sheltered as her it would very well be a traumatic time for her still. Rayne spoke first. "Crown Prince. I must ask for your permission to speak with your daughter." "...If you must." Xavier responds, Nodding in silent thanks, Rayne quietly leaves his chair and walks to the other end of the table, sitting next the Penelope. "Hello, Penelope. My name is Rayne Walker," he said with soft words "I work for the Queen's Blades of Renalta. Your father has asked us to help find and bring justice to those that brought tragedy to your house." He would then finaly share some insite to his past which Jason had yet to hear. "When I was younger, I was the only survivor of a bandit attack, and as the only witness to such horrors, I was forced to retell the events of my terrible experience over and over again. So I understand the weight of what I must request of you, but please understand the importance of it." It was a good plan relating to her to share some common ground. He too lost his father to murders. "Penelope, I need you to tell me everything you remember of what happened before, during and after the assassinations, in as much detail as possible, take your time if you wish." Before he could add in anything Ceann clears her throat, “First off, I would ask about the means of death. Was it a weapon? Poison? Magic? More physical means?…” She pauses before continuing, “As well, I would ask of any conflicts your kingdom might have, either foreign or internal.” . “Xavier, perhaps we could talk with those who were first on the scene, aside from Penelope?” Rayvan asked as well. It would seem they were covering the basics well. He did not touch the documents as Ravyan did. He personally like to hear it from the source them selves. He finally added as each question and statement were answered by Xavier or Penelope, "I would add would anyone have a personal grudge against you? Who would target your family first? Also I would like to speak the men on duty, If you don't mind M'Lord, I noticed people will say more if not in the pressence of some one who is over them. And finally I would like permission to search this Area for clues that may have been missed and perhaps find out how the murders got in here."