[quote=@Shoryu] Love that fleshing out XD and yes it has exploded. On a side note, and i'm just mentioning these as ideas i've seen, not pushing you to use them, I've seen some interpretations that essentially benefit from feeding on positive emotions, while negative emotions can range from unhealthy to poisonous depending on which one and it's intensity. In such a case, 'in your face' feeding could be detrimental to said Changeling's own health from someone naturally directing their aggressive emotions towards a target. Another considered the element of 'feeling' the emotions in the air, pretty much the empathy you mentioned, cept with passive feeding and that enough ambient emotions could range from annoying/agitating to unhealthy [probably requiring more positive feeding to counter-act] or of course ranging from calming to 'healthy'. I've also seen yet another that went into the idea of different hives, or lacking hives because of this setting, different breeds I guess, who naturally lean towards a specific emotional range, while it's not restricting them from others, they get more nourishment and preferencial 'flavor' from certain ranges, like entertainment, types of love, comraderie/adrenaline, and so on. [/quote] These are great interpretations and I appreciate that you shared them with me; I am totally going to incorporate some of these into my character as I personally do not mind taking suggestions from people regarding character building. Not a critique, but it is merely intriguing that many of the characters suggestions share similar threads such as: * The ironic (or karmatic) properties of the magic. * The loss of something the character particularly valued...a key facet of their existence; political power, faith, sanity, wealth, and so on. * Becoming the personification something the character hated or revealing the true nature of that particular character. * The changes come with unfortunate negative consequences that must be stopped (or at least forestalled as long as possible). In this group thus far someone who benefited from and is happy about their changes would be the outsider.