Warning: This RP will contain a variety of transformation content, ranging from possibly appealing to traumatically monstrous. Due to the context of this RP it is likely to contain much gore at certain points, as well as a number of psychological elements, Psychological break-downs, philosophy [why should I 'warn' about this?], and no small ammount of death and potential for more. It 'may' contain sexual themes and situations [either colorfully censored or moved to PMs as per site rules, relationships developing is a part of these settings too], Vulgar or sexually related Dialogue of various extremities, and an open policy on free speech to a degree that hopefully nobody has any problem with someone casually mentioning dicks in conversation. So due to the expected and potential content of this RP, you can consider it rated Mature, or R, or whatever makes it clear that anything goes short of breaking sight rules. If you actually have an issue with something, we can try to be accomodating, but when you blow up the world psychological shifts, vulgarity, and loose morals become a much more common thing to see. _________________ 'some time in the morning' April 15, 2021, The First Day It was ludicrous! Impossible! All kinds of science that nobody ever really explained said that this couldn't happen for at least another few hundred thousand years! Yet here it was! At first it was just a tremor coupled with a little rush of pressure through the air... Then it grew, the ground vibrating hard enough to knock people down and topple more unstable vehicles and structures. Soon the inherent rumbling of an earthquake was over-come by the sound of shrieking winds and cracking earth, mountains even visibly crumbled off in the distance. Then everything reddened, the land because cracks were showing as the Yellowstone Caldera suddenly turned active again, or at least that what it seemed like, the cracks started leaking, the geyser's all blew, and... One had to imagine how many people were ready to kiss their asses good-bye, but the sky started to redden too as the O-zone suddenly crumbled and the air grew hot. Then just as suddenly as it began it ended. With a massive rush of air and a crack that some could describe as sounding like reality shattered, the redness vanished from the air and the lava that had only just begun to leak cooled or sunk back into it's holes... Then the air vanished, oxygen thinned so rapidly some might not even notice or understand what was going on, or that gravity had seemed to multiply for a time, and then the most rediculous sight followed. Absolutely tremendous chunks of rock, trailing rapidly cooling magma behind them, were zipping off into space, growing darker and hard to see. Oh, the ideas that must have grown in many a man's mind, only to be freshly shattered just like so much around them had. A wave of some form of green light swept over everything, filling the air, tinting the 'not sky' as well as the other chunks, then gravity was suddenly gone as it pulled it all back in. It'd be a strange feeling, like some kind of other-worldly invisible force craddling people in a soft embrace... Only to find out that the eventual landing was not quite as merciful as they slammed against the ground, or whatever happened to be nearby, as soon as it finally stopped. Those who weren't knocked unconcious would quickly notice the glowing green air fading back towards blue as the atmosphere returned. though the air would remain thin for quite a while, and the now slight green tint never fully dissapeared, giving the sky a sort of sea-green color, as well a strange nagging tingle remained in every living thing that didn't suffer some terrible fate. On which note, the body count had to be staggering, with all sources of long-range communication seemingly non-functional there would be quite the difficulty in finding out what had truly happened on the grander scale, so many questions would have unreliable answers at best... and why did the horizon shimmer to the north? wait! that wasn't north, the sun was just in the wrong position. _________________________ [hider=rules] The Rules: Rule 1 - Don't break site rules Rule 2 - Don't go OP, everyone starts off with a total lack of legitimate experience with their changes and any powers they might gain access to, sometimes this may include motor control. There is no 'magical well of knowledge' waiting to awaken in your head, character's require experience to properly use those powers. Granted, moments of desperation are bound to bring up some accidental use here and there. Rule 3 - There are no more rules, your character is free to follow the path you choose for them, not just the path 'I' choose for mine. You wanna post in first person instead of third? go for it. You wanna try to kill someone? sure, though actually killing them is up to you and their player. Wanna run off on your own? maybe stalk the group from the shadows? go off and join or run your own group of psycho cannibals? Go nuts, just try to be believable about it. [/hider] [hider=character policies] Character Policies: Character sheets are free-form, as long as you have the naturally important information like names, appearances, age, things like that you're good. If you have trouble deciding, just copy the 'template' of someone else's CS. Still, you're free to include anything else you consider relevant, and It's suggested to include at least some hints as to what kinds of changes your character will be facing in this new magic infested environment. Mutiple Characters are welcome, though I suggest defining them as one Primary group Character, and others as Secondaries [characters who, in terms of RP interaction, may come and go at different times or may normally be in the background of the group, or maybe be ranking members of 'background groups']. Also, feel free to make NPCs at your leisure, but mark them clearly and remember that for most part they'll be free for use in the RP by anyone as long as they don't completely ruin the character, but you'll have final say in things for that character. Now, it doesn't need to be defined in the CS, but it will be quite relevant IC, Available resources and equipment. Everyone will have 'stuff', it should be believable for the character, but for the most part there will be a good bit of lenience here. Afterall, the first days after an event like this one, there's vast stores of loot just waiting to be cleaned out since nobody has ransacked it all yet, and yellowstone already had it's natural hazard, it would not be entirely far-fetch'd for everyone to be armed in some fashion. A note on the changes, since it has only just begun everyone is likely to have no changes yet, or just one thing out of place. The changes will progress gradually and at a pace ranging from slow to moderate, and some will be quite uncomfortable while awake, horns, additional limbs, eyes changing, limbs shifting structure, some might temporarily make it difficult if not nearly impossible to move one-self until a particular piece of the change is finished. However, Changes progress faster while unconcious, typically fast enough that a full night's sleep ends with waking up to find something totally new had finished. [/hider] [hider=idle policies] Please, if you're going to vanish for a few days warn us 'if you can'. I'm very patient but we have to keep the RP going, so you may get side-lined or back-seated. You probably won't die unless you disappear during a particularly dangerous situation. DEFINITELY if we get going and you lose interest, let us know, It's way better to admit it than to risk the RP letting everyone think you're still there and waiting politely only to have interest dwindle from doing nothing. [/hider] __________________ Other things will likely be added down here when relevant. speaking of things to add [url]http://www.nps.gov/hfc/carto/PDF/YELLmap1.pdf[/url] A publicly available map of Yellowstone that everyone would have easy access to IC. though the odd placement of the sun might make things a little confusing for them. this should also make it easier to pick out our locations relative to eachother!