[b]Name/Nicknames:[/b] Chantrea Tascroix [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Appearance: [/b] [hider=Picture] [img] https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/e4/c4/51/e4c4516887e4ef543885ef48e05ca0ed.jpg [/img] [/hider] Chantrea is a shapely young woman, with a curvaceous and rounded figure. She has broad hips, chunky legs, and a stomach that flows outwards. She has sturdy shoulders, and strong arms. Chantrea has large emerald green eyes, long tresses of hair that have been dyed a combination of platinum blonde and dark red, and slender pink lips. [b]Skills:[/b] Krav Maga, Utilising and categorising poisons, Kendo, Disguise. [b]Sexual orientation:[/b] Heterosexual (Minor Bisexual tendencies) [b]Personality:[/b] At her core, Chantrea is a materialist. Whilst she enjoys manipulating people and exploiting situations, money is the driving factor that motivates her. She is just as capable of being kind as she is cruel, if it will result in her becoming that bit richer. Chantrea is an opportunist, and will always look for a chance to profit, no matter what the circumstances are. She has been reprimanded in the past for trying to smuggle stolen goods from her mission back into the Sanctum, and is being carefully watched by her mentors at the Bloody Embrace. [b]Bio: [/b] Chantrea was born in to a prominent law-enforcement based family in Liverpool, England, and from a young age she was subject to subtle physiological suggestions that were intended to strengthen her skills of deduction. She had a strict, militaristic upbringing, which she rejected with furious passion; taking every opportunity to rebel against her parents and their traditional ways. Chantrea was constantly getting into trouble at school, a theme which continued right up to the point where she was expelled from her college for selling drugs to secondary schoolers. Outraged and ashamed, Chantrea’s family shipped her off to military academy, where the young girl continued to fight back against her superiors. Whilst she picked up a basic understanding of self-defence, Chantrea was soon expelled for disobedience. Whilst waiting at the train station for a lift back home, Chantrea was caught in the middle of a terrorist bombing by a secretly Zhūonosu Consortium backed militia, being critically injured in an explosion. Chantrea was rushed off to hospital, the doctors just about managing to save her life, where the young girl spent the next few weeks in intensive care. After a few days of sitting about and being extremely bored, Chantrea took to stealthily wandering about the hospital, trying to discern the specifics of what was going on around her. Happening upon a doctor’s private terminal, Chantrea discovered a cryptic message, which she managed to decipher over the next few days; discovering that one of the staff members had been illegally selling medication to poorer neighbourhoods, distilling it so that he could increase his profits, which in turn was having horrendous side effects. Anonymously blackmailing the doctor, Chantrea made a large profit by threatening to go public with the information she’d uncovered, before selling it on to several major media outlets anyway, and making an even larger profit. Chantrea moved back in with her parents, who insisted that their daughter spend her time looking for a respectable job. The young woman would tell her parents that she was going out to look for work, when in actuality she was looking for people to manipulate, and shady situations which she could exploit. Chantrea briefly moved back into selling drugs, but made sure to hide her tracks. Building herself a small fortune off of her underhand tactics, which Chantrea would openly confess to being the most fun she’d ever had, the young woman eventually attracted the attention of the Bloody Embrace, despite her professional-level attempts at remaining hidden. When the Embrace offered her a place within the Sanctum, Chantrea was quick to accept, and hasn’t looked back since. [b]Other:[/b] Whilst she’s displayed great potential, Chantrea has also gained herself a reputation as untrustworthy, and a con artist, amongst the student body at the Sanctum.