[quote=@oakman] So far my character creation thoughts are as follows: A man that owned an oil company somewhere in the old world, after the whole earth shattered into cereal corn flakes and came back as a gigantic sphere of- something else, he discovered that he has been changed dramatically. Changed as in he can now change size and length of his body and limbs with the help of 'nature'. When he grows into a 400 feet giant, or stretches 200 yards, it will not be his own human skin but more like tree barks, moss, leaves, pine trees or shrubs, a fuckload of shrubs. It is kinda ironic how a conglomerate oil company owner turns into mother nature's holy saint and guardian. Oh and did I say every time he transforms he hates humans more and more, that is any kind of humans. But to avoid having a character that just stomps and fucks around, he will have extreme internal conflicts between himself and this new "green" him. [/quote] oh, i didn't comment on this before did I? I can see it working, though it's funny that the number of humans for him to hate is going to dwindle rapidly as transformations set in. just remember, s'gotta figure it all out before he can do the crazier side of his powers XD