[quote=@aladdin_sane] To be honest I just took most of clothing off of a luxury website (mrporter.com), and for the rest I just searched "luxury ". The only thing I knew beforehand is that I wanted my character to smoke Gitanes Unfiltered because it is a French Import brand. [/quote] Hahah XD Cool. oh, and also, once you're not on mobile and able to handle some of the finer bits of text, I suggest using the 'hider' code for the thicker parts of the CS to add to organization and convenience, if ya want. [quote=@Jasonhero] Okay... I looked at the interest check and this rp seems amazing. Is it open for people to join? [/quote] [quote=@Zoe] I'm so interested. I'll have a character up soon! [/quote] Aaand for both of you, maybe. We have a fat load of people already, but there's every possibility that someone we haven't heard from since earlier on has decided to vanish. I'd say go ahead and Submit CSes and see what happens, The people from the Interest check have dibs, but if one poofs, or doesn't appear in the OOC within the next couple days, then someone can take their place. OH! That's what I forgot to include in the OOC info, lateness policies. Much as I hate to ever be strict about something, delaying 'everything' a few days for someone who isn't posting has been the death of many many RPs.