[img] http://33.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_livzfaW2ZV1qhpkpo.jpg[/img] Nathan Thumberstock | 40 | Male Thumberstock Oil Co. Founder, ex CEO and board member. Networth: 50 BILLION USD USA | NYC, NY | Manhattan M.S in Economical Science, PhD in Financial Administration. Bio: [hider=My Hider] Nathan was born in New York city to a single mother who struggled to get by. He never knew his father and it was both a negative effect on his unorthodox upbringing, and a positive motivation to better himself. His mother passed away when he was fifteen, and when he was on her deathbed he promised her to quit drugs and daily brawls in the city. He was quite the brawler in the streets, he was famous for his naturally gifted "Power Jab". After his mother had been buried he was taken into the custody of his wealthy aunt whom he greatly despises for neglecting her sister, Maria, his mother. Nathan's aunt made sure he was raised a proper gentleman and took the burden of enrolling him into a boarding school before graduating with honors. He still had his troublesome traits about him, even after graduating from Harvard with honors and recognition amongst his peers. At the age of 28 he started a small company, Thumberstock Sailing Co. that was mainly focusing on renting luxury sailing boats to wealthy millionaires. Just after three years in the business and after accumulating various contacts and seeing much money spent before his eyes, Nathan decided to go bigger. Within the next five years he was able to set up an international conglomerate oil company that was solely founded by him. He ran his company for some years then passed it to younger men he thought were butter at running things as he sat back and took care of the bigger things. Recently Nathan was invited by Pierre Athene, another multi-billion dollars worth business man to a press conference at the Yellowstone National Park for philanthropic purposes. Nathan had a long list of extremely powerful and wealthy friends, Athene wasn't one of them. More of a long time rival, nothing direct however, mostly press articles and cheap headlines to merchandise the two men's nonexistent rivalry. [/hider] Personality: Nathan is an extremely fierce human being when it comes to business, owning no amount of mercy at all. However at leisure, he is an extremely perfect idol of the idle 20th century gentleman. Extremely sophisticated and quite dapper, both in apparel and character. His manners are beyond noble, but he is quite easygoing when there is a drink and would even get into a barbaric fistfight and demonstrate his once lauded meanstreets "Power Jab". Nathan is quite humble but he never bothers to get into the affairs of those he could deem below him, networth wise speaking. He would rather avoid fruitless talks with common people and is more interested in sophisticated circles. Nathan is the kind of man that both drives a Bently to work while rocking Mozart in thr morning, but sporting a thousand hundred helmet and speeding in a Suzuki Ninja while listening to vulgar rap music. He knows his drinks, his threads, and certainly he knows his women. Transformation Info: After the "Green Flash in the Heavens", Nathan turned into a being that transforms into Nature's response to hostility and ill souls. He owned an Oil Company that really discarded any effort to preserve the green part of the world, it was only ironically appropriate that he would turn into the entity that savors Nature. A Guardian and Saint to the powers of Nature, he thinks it is nature, could be something much more higher or sinister. Nathan's ability in a nutshell is the ability to change his physical size to extreme magnitudes using the power of nature. Basically whenever he "grows" into a giant or swings a hundred foot punch it is usually twigs, trees, barks, and leaves doing the "growing". He would however control and learn to master his new powers before even growing a twig on his index finger. A side effect to his transformation is his gradual personality change, everytime he "grows" it is someone less Nathan and more something else that is in his body and head. This will cause extreme psychological breakdowns to Nathan, and various internal fuck ups. Weapons: His words and fleet of sailing boats.