[quote=@oakman] [@aladdin_sane] Read my CS please, we might be sharing a certain interest or something. [/quote] Alright just finished reading your character sheet and color me impressed. I like the idea of a shared history and the prospect of a "rival" whom Pierre needs to associate not just because they inhabit the same social class, but because Nathan is a figure that draws popular support. Despite his political clout Pierre is seen as too intellectual, chill, and secretive by the general populace, while Nathan even with his general non-association with those inhabiting lesser classes and his own intellectualism is admired for his good nature, charm, and work-ethic...people hold Nathan as an a prime example of an "American Gentleman" molded by the so-called "American Dream". Reading your CS I could not help picturing a scene from sometime when Nathan was first enrolled in boarding school; during his first tentative year young Nathan is made aware of a local school legend that just graduated one Pierre Athene. Naturally Nathan is perhaps curious, competitive even and wants to meet this person everybody was so infatuated with; months go by and by happenstance Nathan's aunt is hosting a party the Athenes will be attending, so Nathan socially obligated to be at this event anyway makes a commitment to confront the nineteen year old Pierre. While meeting would be a brief one, it would forever sour Nathan towards Pierre; it is even doubtful that Pierre remembers meeting Nathan. After the formal introductions are over Nathan talks to Pierre and while their exact conversation is lost to history, Nathan is left unimpressed which came as a worse blow to the young boy than if Pierre flat out refused to speak with him; with his critical eye Nathan managed to peer behind the facade perpetuated by Pierre to reveal that this "local" hero was no Apollo. Instead Nathan saw a boy who was forced to manipulate his image as he generally did not connect to people; a pale and neurasthenic boy was not the make of school legends...it was clear that Pierre gained popularity through cleverly concocted lies and used the actions of others as a way to make himself more important, this repulsed Nathan who put a lot of emphasis one's own abilities and social skills. While there is no doubt that Pierre is an inspiring orator and a master manipulator; if one sees the true him they are confronted by the perpetual outcast.