I may or may not make a second, was kindof planning an obligatory park ranger to 'know everything about yellowstone', but... I'll think about it tommorrow, I'm tired right now. I realize the vagueness I left in some places, But I intend to take advantage of that whole 'history appearing in IC' element. As with everyone else, I'm open to critiques and explaining away things someone might have an issue with. - Name: Sean [doesn't give last name much] Born: 21 September, 1988 [age 33] Residence: Recreational Vehicle, though some might say he lives on the internet instead Occupation(s): Digital Technician and Proffessional Gamer, or maybe... Religion: Loses it every other morning if you get the drift Appearance: At Six foot two and Two hundred Twenty pounds with Red hair and white skin, Sean can cut the figure of a rather intimidating Irishman... When he's not messing around with computers. Though he's naturally tall and sufficiently bulky, a certain softness shows from his extensive experience working with computers. He really does manage to look pretty tough, and while he's got enough muscle to 'go a round' he greatly lacks in stamina to fuel himself for long. [hider=image] Nooot miiine, but it fit the description I had in mind, and managed to not be pseudo porn! [Fuck you too Deviantart!] [img]http://orig08.deviantart.net/0fb6/f/2010/291/d/4/red_reminiscence_by_the_amen_corner-d30zvv2.jpg[/img] [/hider] Possessions: At least, those he'll be able to take with him. History?: I'll update as it comes IC :D unless everyone particularly wants me to give it some filler. Post-Incident: Unknown at present [IC at least] Abilities, Traits and Powers: PENDING! [hider=Possessions] Plain long-sleeve red T-shirt [url=http://s7d4.scene7.com/is/image/ScoutStuff/64891?$product225x225$]Boyscout armor Pants[/url]... Well, not really armored, but have you ever seen these pants? They never wear down! [url=http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=74570899]Forest Camo Parka[/url] A pair of Trispecs Bluetooth [url=http://www7.pcmag.com/media/images/199408-2-trispecs-headphone-sunglasses.jpg?width=630]Sunglasses[/url] One pair of Microsoft's [url=http://o.aolcdn.com/hss/storage/midas/31154c5d2265538ef249901facaca165/201431149/Microsoft+HoloLens+RGB2.jpg]Hololens[/url] One Jumbo sized [url=http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/91VpC8eW5kL._UY606_.jpg]Hiking backpack[/url] Loaded with a full range of camping materials, along with plenty of water and mixed snacks, several bags of butter-scotch, hot tomales, and grilled burgers. One super-thin gaming optimised [url=http://www.technobuffalo.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/ASUS-EeeBook-X205-black.jpg]notebook laptop[/url] one not so gaming oriented [url=http://www.notebookcheck.net/fileadmin/_processed_/csm_Xperia_Tablet_Z_40front_left_black_hires_03_7e7d3aeb23.jpg]Tablet computer[/url] One cleaned out and rebuilt [url=http://www.damngeeky.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Boeing-Black-Smartphone.jpg]untraceable smart phone[/url] that contains his various bits of information and monetary data. One, now non-functioning [url=http://www.classiccarsuperstore.com/Ultra/95_Ultra_Motorhome_RV_Black-1.jpg]Recreational Vehicle[/url] that currently contains a sizeable store of collected weapons, games, and electronics equipment... that's probably all laying on the ceiling right now. [/hider] Weapons: 18" [url=http://www.oldschoolknifeworks.com/media/catalog/product/cache/5/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/l/c/lc_18_in._econo_machete_6149.jpg]Machete[/url] 44. [url=http://i794.photobucket.com/albums/yy222/00Snake/Military/Weapons/Pistols/Colt-Anaconda.gif]Colt Anaconda[/url] .357 [url=http://thehunterwiki.com/images/d/df/Revolver_357_1024.png]Revolver[/url] Jennings Firearms Inc. Model J-22 Cal .22LR. [url=http://picturearchive.gunauction.com/5306174036/9242486/acfbcf2.jpg]POCKET PISTOL[/url] [Funny enough, there's actually a story behind each of these guns in 'my' life] Bare Fists His Brain