[img]http://a3.topitme.com/6/6e/36/11667794245e5366e6l.jpg[/img] [center] Jason Venti | 23 | Male Bored College Graduate Student [u][b]Before the Cataclysm:[/b][/u] Jason had grown up as an only child his whole life, but that didn't exactly mean that the boy had it easy. He had never really been able to make friends due to the fact that he lived with his mother (his Dad had ran out on them) and his Mother's occupation was in the adult entertainment business. They never really had enough money for anything, mom was constantly working, and he was constantly bullied. This led to the boy finding an outlet in Martial Arts. It was great for him, because the owner of the local Dojo happened to also be Jason's Physics teacher, and was fond of the boy. This resulted in Jason getting to practice there for free. The boy caught on quickly to many kinds of Martial Arts; Tae-Kwon-Do, Krav Maga, and MMA.  The boy also learned the art of using a Katana Sword. After many years training under his Sensei, Jason went competitive in Tae-Kwon-Do and scored Gold at his first Nationals Competition in Olympic Sparring. This caught the attention of many colleges, one of which offered him a Full-Ride Scholarship. The boy eagerly accepted and went off to college a year early. At the college, the boy joined the Marksmanship team on Campus while attending his studies. He was a natural at it and soon rose to be the best that the college had for Marksmanship and Martial Arts. He was fully enjoying his life at College. It was the Marksmanship team that had the boy wind up at Yellowstone National Park on the faithful day. They had recently finished a Marksmanship competition nearby the park and decided to check it out. The last thing that Jason remembers before waking up, and stealing the property he currently has, was the sight of his newfound girlfriend Kaitlyn being covered in Magma that had suddenly exploded from the ground. [u][b]Items[/b][/u] Suffice to say, Jason has been busy stealing things that the dead no longer needed. • A Katana Sword and Sheath stolen from a novelty Shop. He sharpened the blade. • A locket that had somehow survived Kaitlyn's horrible demise that had a picture of them inside it. •A Barrett M98B Bolt Action Sniper Rifle from a nearby gunstore, Jason figured looters would be a thing •A Backpack with Ammo and stuff in it. •His Clothes (reference picture) [u][b]Transformation[/b][/u] • Ability to turn invisible (will develop over time. More practice after he discovers it means longer times) •Infrared Vision (eyes turn red during this.) •Short-range Teleport. (Will develop later on in rp. Won't be discovered until after the other two are well worn in.) •Tougher Body (his body changes to be able to survive harder impacts. Not an active ability. It just kind of happened. He can survive falls from three story buildings without major injury. He will have scratches and bruises but oh well) [/center]