The elven man whom Susanna had thought was dead stirred at her words. He looked around slowly at first before his eyes locked onto the source of the voice. Susanna found herself wishing that she'd stayed quiet or ran. The elven man's eyes darted from a handful of body parts lying around the clearing that must once have been another elf due to there complexion and slender but well toned muscles. "YOU! YOU DID THIS. DEMON. WHORE." Susanna took two steps back from the elf as he struggled to stand and found herself however odd taking offence to his comment. Whore? Susanna had been the victim throughout all of this. her father's death, the slaughters before Lilith left Veiron. Susanna was as badly scared at any of the survivors. What gave this fool the right to talk down to her like that. [i]That's right girl, he has no right. He assumes you did this merely because you are nearby. Just like all the rest of them. He doesn't want an explanation, he just wants to take his frustrations out on your hide. So go one, defend yourself. This one is clearly unbalanced.[/i] Susanna fought to ignore what Lilith was saying but just as with the serpent in the garden everything Lilith said rang true, taken in the worst possible light of course but all of it was still true. The man ran up to Susanna with a yell of rage and his eyes black. He lifted his leg off the ground and in one fell movement delivered a devastating round house kick to Susanna's face. "Demon," she muttered under her breath. [i]Don't be stupid girl, smell the air. This elf for all his wrongs is no hellspawn.[/i] Susanna did as she was told and sniffed the air. A wonderful but distant smell reached her nose. The smell of bitter frost in the early morning and beautiful trees growing in the cold. A word reached Susanna's pain muddled brain, Reach. [i]That is the smell of the northern elves girl. Every being has a different smell but all carry the scent of there homeland. Like you smelled of wheat and corn and dirt when I first laid eyes on you. A demon smells different, not repulsive per say but like something wonderful that is just passed its prime, like overripe fruit.[/i] Susanna clutched her face in pain as these thought filled her head. If she lived then the left side of her face would be black and blue for the next couple of weeks. [i]Use my power girl, he cannot stand against us.[/i] "NO!" Susanna muttered to herself into the mud. The elf leaned down till his face was on level with Susanna's ear. He smiled sadistically. "There is nobody here to save you, little lamb. You are going to die here..." If not for the Storm Demon's warning that this was not a creature of the pit Susanna would have doused him in the holy water that hung at her waist. She herself couldn't touch it, the stuff burned her skin but thrown from a flask it made a fairly good weapon to stun demons. [i]Come on girl, do you want to die? Use my power. Go on. It's not like it will hurt.[/i] This ricocheted around in Susanna's head as the elven stranger grabbed her dirty blonde hair that was matted with blood and sweat and mud and the tears leaking from Susanna's eyes. "Don't you DARE scream for help, after what you did to her. HOW DARE YOU?!" Susanna began to whimper and cry out as the stranger yanked roughly on her hair. The elf brought his fist back, the veins on it normally a light red color where tainted with black. Susanna flinched expecting the blow but it never came. Susanna opened her eyes a crack to see an arm holding back the elf's fist. It was the man she'd first become aware of in the clearing. The one that she feared had seen her lap up the elven blood. She was going to die here. by the fist of this elf she was going to die. NO! she had to contain Lilith. The storm demon could not walk among the mortals again. Susanna opened her mouth to send out some insult or challenge or a bit of Lilith's power but one small sad pathetic line came out instead. "....Susanna. My Susanna" Something changed in the elf. Perhaps hearing the demon girl in his hands talk so pathetically made him realize that there might be a girl in there or the man holding back his arm showed him how disgraceful his actions where. Whatever it was the black faded from the elf's veins and eyes and he let Susanna drop to the ground. He was probably a foot taller than Susanna was and the fall hurt her already injured face as well as the arm she landed on and all of her already sore muscles. Her body was in agony. [i]The blood girl, it'll make the pain go away. It'll give you strength.[/i] Susanna could smell it again, like her father's best baking but she held in her mind how it had turned sour when she realized that someone else could see her. It was a shamful act to drink the blood of others. "It would make me like you." Susanna said with venom into the ground. The man whose name Susanna just caught, Seth said some words of caution and consolation to the elf. The elf sank to the ground next to Susanna and laid his hand on her shoulder. Susanna flinched and scuttled two feet away from him. "I'm sorry." were the only words that came from his mouth. Sorry? Sorry! He'd beaten her to a pulp in his rage and all he could say was sorry? Susanna pull the staff from her back with the a grace born of practice and she stabbed with expert precision into the elf's groin. Sorry. "Haven't I suffered enough?" Susanna yelled smacking the elf in the face with the staff as he clutched his crotch. "Everyday I'm chased from towns, beaten... attacked... shunned... because I was in the wrong place at the wrong time." With each of those words Susanna laid a blow to the elf in the face or the stomach or the legs. The elf crumpled to the ground blood pooling around him. Her staff couldn't have caused that? No it was blunt weapon it didn't break the skin very often. That's why she liked it. Not much external damage but the internal bleeding took months to heal. Then she remembered how he'd looked when she entered the clearing. How she thought he was a corpse. Her staff had reopened his wounds and the more shameful thing was that Lilith had been silent for this while event, not a word of encouragement or rage pushed onto her. She'd done this all on her own and what made it worse was the words the elf had uttered before falling, her eyes. She had smiled and enjoyed beating him enough to turn her eyes black and Lilith hadn't done a thing. This was all Susanna. She sank to the ground, the staff falling into the mud, tears streaking down her face parting the grim that covered it. All the deeds of Lilith that Susanna had to atone for and she was just adding more wood to the fire that would burn her when her soul finally went below. She was a disgrace, an abomination. She looked to the man in the clearing. Sobs interrupting her speech. "I... I just... wanted him... to hurt... for... everything he did... for everything everyone's ever done..." She said quietly her sorrow mangling her words. "I'm sorry." The same pathetic line that the elf had used after beating her but she could find nothing better to describe what had happened and how she felt about it.