[quote=@Jasonhero] [@Shoryu] There are some pretty close to the entrance. Also, he could have stolen it from a Park Ranger storehouse. Like most police units they have a SWAT Team and those rifles are popular with snipers for being able to shoot out windows or take out car drivers and whatnot. Or ya know, it's possible a piece of Earth which had a Gunstore on it landed nearby him when it was put back together haphazardly. [@aladdin_sane] I did the novelty thing because I figured a real one would bother people. If y'all are cool with him finding a legitmate one I'd totally change that so be had it xD [/quote] There's still the question of 'when' he stole them xD This Cataclysm came on suddenly and the RP will be beginning within 'hours' of when everything settled back into place, so he'll have to have stolen it beforehand, or in the first hours after it all was pulled back together, the latter option leaving little time to stop and sharpen it. And this 'pulling back together' was not gentle, if there was a chunk small enough to only have a gun-store on it, it will have shattered on landing, so that situation would either make him have to scour through rubble or finding them scattered allover the general area around it. Which... just struck me as the perfect bullshittery to fulfill that cliche that's in some post-apocalyptic 'games' where you can find weapons and stuff just bloody 'everywhere'. Of course, if guns were raining from the sky because a gun-store shattered like a pinata, it's more likely to be 'pieces' of, or broken guns people would find laying around XD Personally, I like when there is plenty of room for a character or their equipment to be improved over-time. So, a 'fake sword that's sharpened' seems totally fine, maybe he'll find or someone'll 'make' a real one later. Or hell, maybe he'll find someone 'with' a real one who can't use it! Just to note, I'm not against your weaponry so far, or the sniping bit XD It'll be interesting to see what happens over-time... Hopefully it won't lead to a 'Nether' moment. If you know what I'm referring to then you win the internets.