[quote=@aladdin_sane] That would work, nothing wrong with some repressed memories. Lol. Of course our characters would have more frequent interactions; a gala hosted by a mutual acquaintance is a good starting point for "the escalating conflict" between the two as described by the sensationalist media. Two people with a history of animosity towards each other would be apt to engage in a war of the words in a less public setting, therefore periodically throughout the night sarcastic quips, subtle barbs and low-key insults are exchanged between the two culminating in a heated yet reserved confrontation. However, gossip distorted the true events of the evening and portrayed the event as a rather tactless argument; headlines read such nonsense as [i]Et Tu, Brute?: Thumberstock to Athene, "I will f***ing bury you!"[/i] or [i]A Hard Night's Fight: Athene assaults Thumberstock...Chief of Police prevents deescalation[/i]. Thanks, the new picture is an improvement; saw the guy in a [s]BBC[/s] Herald Sun article and knew he was born to be Pierre. [/quote] Oh my god, just looking at him makes me want to slap his shit for some reason! XD Also, the IC is up. And as a note, I realize that the actual 'organization' of my post is probably sub-par, this is actually on purpose as a representation of the mental state within the post! or at least I am experimenting with the idea of setting it up that way.