Name: Diane Bright Occupation: School Teacher [Grade School] Age: 26 Appearance: [img][/img] Please, do not mind the battle ax. Items: Button up top, jeans, boots, satchel of pens, pencils, notebooks, and an attendance sheet. First aid kit, survival knife, flares, and flare gun. Basic Background: Miss Diane Bright, a simple school teacher for a collection of fourth grades(Adorable little tykes, really) won a raffle that her school was putting on. A free trip, all expenses paid, to Yellow Stone Park. The class even got to stay in cabins. It was the chance of a life time for the school teacher, really. Give her kids an experience, and another reason to be called the coolest teacher of Winter Grade School. That was a week before the entire world blew up. [A little basic, I know, but I've never been big on the huge bios.]