[h2]Raya T'mivus[/h2] Raya was a little unnerved on how sure the Drakken was about her not running. How could he knew that she wouldn't? He just got here not long ago, how could he know that something would hold her Here? Sure he could request such information from the guards, but he had not done so. "[b]Don’t be surprised, Raya."[/b] She was less surprised and more confused as none of the other Drakken Lords would have let her go. She hated how he spoke in a calm fashion as if she was a scared animal that he needed to tame before it either attacked or fled. When he grabbed her hands he was oddly gentle as his large thumbs traced her palms and fingers. It was almost like he was trying to decode her by simply touching her hands. [b]"You're an Earth Gem, aren't you."[/b] Raya lifted an eye brow but that was all she showed of her shock. She was always told that Drakkens were mindless brutes that only wished to make war and take their pleasures from any female they came into contact with. Never was she told that they had some that were quick witted. Why? Why was she never told? Why did they leave her unprepared? Maybe if she was warned of some of the Drakkens being smart and manipulating, she might of.... she might.... she had no idea, at least she wouldn't have been caught by surprise. [b]"You spend a lot of time outdoors, in the woods, there's still a bit of tree sap between your fingers. Frasier. And-- tsk-tsk, what's this? Untrimmed fingernails? Well, you'll learn to take better care of yourself I'm sure. These are some strong hands, you must have brothers." [/b] Was he commenting on how she [i]looked[/i]? He couldn't even see her! Stuffing down her small amount of anger, she bit her lip. [color=green]"What you say is True my Lord... How you know such things is... amazing."[/color] She said coolly as she looked up at her husband. Her voice was a mixture of anger and slight surprise, as it was hard to keep those two emotions from her voice. Once he turned away from her, he called forth the other bride and basically did the same thing to her. She was pretty, much so than her. But then Raya spent most if not all her time in the forest and didn't have to look good for anyone. Did she want to look pretty? No, not really as it was hard for earth Gems to charge as the earth only change slowly unless forced. Great, that was something to look forward to. [hr] [h2]Tirza R'Miva[/h2] It was easy to see the curiosity in the eyes of the Drakken as he looked at her closely. Why he was doing so, she cared little. All she knew that he was planning something, what exactly? She didn't know. When he agreed with her, she smirked and her mouth opened to say something smart. But before she could get the words out Praeth had his lips by her ear. [b]"There is a banquet this evening in which the nobles showcase their prizes. To be frank, you are the only one I believe would misbehave at such an opportune time, thus I will give you this now as entertainment, should you misbehave, you will keep it for the night. Behave and I will release it from you, you lose the moment someone finds out what exactly you are using to entertain yourself. Be careful of the games you play."[/b] His words rolled out in tone that was slightly confusing to Tirza, but before she could comment she inhaled sharply as she felt his [i]gift[/i] he left her. Oh he played dirty! Her cheeks flushed as the water played across her body, she bit the inside of her lip as Praeth turned. She was slightly hunched as she tried to think through the pleasure. [i][color=pink]Keep it together Tears! Oh dear Gods!...... Straighten up! Straighten up, don't give him the satisfaction![/color][/i] She thought as she straightened her back. He went on to say some other things, but she couldn't focus as she tried to calm her body and mind. But it was hard as, yeah, she never had this happen to her before. She glared at Praeth when his eyes met hers but they changed from a glare to a sultry stare. She smirked when he gave her a chance to show off her element. [color=pink]"Of course my Lord."[/color] She said in a strong tone, showing no sign of translated waves of frustration she was feeling. But now she had to think, she wanted to impress, but if she used to much energy she would become weak. That was something she was willing to do before Praeth gave her the entertainment, but now if she used too much energy she might not be able to control herself. Lifting her fingers to her lips she whispered then blew a kiss towards Praeth. The air moved and obeyed and upon reaching the Drakken she knew he felt her kiss on his lips and a whisper in his ear even though her lips weren't currently moving. (Whisper: We both can play a mean game) She smiled and dared to send another kiss. She showed very little signs of her frustration, though in her head she was screaming. [hr] [h2]Krone the Scream Taker[/h2] Naturally the little one didn't sit, that much was expected. She was in a panic after losing her beloved ring, obviously she loved the person who gave it to her. All Gemminite girls should of been taught that until they were twenty-one they shouldn't attempt to get Gem boys attention. How foolish of her. She was so naive, pretty, but she lacked for sight. And things only seemed to get worse for her when she went on a temper tantrum. Krone's expression of curiosity and malice didn't change as he studied the girl. [i][color=lightblue]No regard for herself or for her fellow bride sister. She rather die than submit, because someone else in her home land. She won't respond to physical pain as much as she would rather endure that. No, I need loyalty, even if its out of fear. [/color][/i] He thought as he studied the little one. Just then Kalani spoke up and once again she was trying to defuse the situation, but it was far too late. He had already made up his mind and nothing the little fire Gem said could turn him. How did he know her element? Simple, as he saw her look into the fire with a longing and her eyes showed a slight spark. Fire Gems were usually easy to spot, as they always seemed to have a look about them. The harder ones to tell apart were the other three, but he could tell who water Gems were as he himself had power over water. Water attracts water. [color=lightblue]"My dear, I know how you wish to cool the situation. But the little one..... the little one must learn."[/color] Krone said slowly in his deep voice that was oddly pleasant to the ear. His eyes showed slight disappointment as he sat forward in his chair and placed his elbows on his knees. [color=lightblue]"Cullonus!"[/color] He called though his voice wasn't loud when he did so. The chamber door opened and a large Drakken filled it's frame, the Drakken was scarred and battle worn but still held a fierceness in his eyes. [b]"Yes my Lord Krone?"[/b] asked Cullonus, his voice was like he had swallowed rocks. [color=lightblue]"This little one here refuses to give me her name and I have a feeling that there is someone in her home land. Pray tell, whatever you know about her."[/color] He said softly while pointing at the little water Gem. The softness of Krone's voice made Cullonus fidget for a moment before looking at the little harshly. [b]"Her name is Kaelira Isrilen, a water Gem. Was said that her little Gem man tried to beat a Drakken. They could of killed him right then and there, but the Gem guard that was with them convinced them otherwise. As far as I know my Lord, the pick is still alive."[/b] Cullonus said the last part with a wicked smile on his face, that betrayed what he knew was about to happen. Krone smirked and nodded before looking at Kaelira. He had her now, she would comply or risk losing the one she loved. Though Krone had to wonder why she was holding onto this useless hope of seeing him again. Her lover would know that he would never see Kaelira again, and would know that she would be deflowered by one much better endowed. Sure the male Gem would mope and cry for a while but he would move on. Krone had seen it before with his father's brides. [color=lightblue]"So Kaelira... If you wish to keep this male Gem of yours alive and of sound mind, you simply must submit. Or don't....... and get to watch me work first hand. I am not called the Scream Taker for nothing."[/color] He explained calmly though there was an edge to it, a sharp edge that cut deep. Standing slowly he went over to Kalani and gently took her hand and motioned for her to stand. He was giving Kaelira time to think about what she wished to do. As he waited, he gently stroked Kalani's cheek with slight amusement in his eyes. [color=lightblue]"You have been well behaved, because of this I won't let this hurt too much."[/color] He said as he dropped his hand to the base of her neck where her neck met her shoulder. To her it would of felt like he pinched her, though he didn't. There he placed his Mark of ownership, as he knew that there was a feast soon and he didn't want anyone to take his brides. Especially since all those attending were young and foolish and power hungry. Young Fools.