[hr][h1][i]Jake Valos, [color=E3DAC9]Anna Aikau[/color], & [color=Red]Meifeng Vuhong[/color] [/i][/h1] [sub][i]Written in collaboration with [@BurningDaisies][/i][/sub][hr] There's always a tangible moment, a moment to yourself, when you discover your half-assed guesswork unfolded into something so much better than you could have imagined. For Anna, it was now. The moment came when Jen instantly sobered up and Meifeng chased after her. Anna was dumbfounded to be honest. Her gaping mouth and confused look said as much, but she quickly hid it. Only her eyes gave it away. Having been left to the wayside by her friends, her blank expression may appear as temporary shock to others; and while she [i]was[/i] taken by surprise, it was for a different reason. She had wanted to help keep those two out of trouble, and even had intended to herd them away from the group of drunken wastrels. The booze was really supposed to be a misdirection. Granted, the method she chose was awful, but it seemed like a good idea at the time. This splendid outcome, however, far surpassed her own expectations. [i]"Wow... That works too, I guess."[/i] A smug grin tugged on Anna's lips -- it was lazily-hidden, but it was there -- as she followed after her friends at a relaxed pace. With a sleight of hand, the tequila found a resting place at the bottom of someone's unattended red solo cup and the shot glass set bottom-up on the bar counter. [color=7EA7D8]"... Heeeeeeey there, Anna."[/color] A voice came from Anna's front as she nearly walked into him (Of course, he stepped to the side). That managed to stop her. Standing a little under the average height at 5'9, and wearing a black suit with a vest, a pocket watch -- which was hanging loose on its chain -- and a black trilby. His black gloved hands were holding some vodka in one hand (This party didn't seem to be in short supply of it) and a shot glass in the other. He smirked, and poured some vodka into the glass. [color=7EA7D8]"Where are you going in such a rush? Hope you aren't trying to leave the party so soon."[/color] [color=E3DAC9]"Oh no! Nothing like that. I was... "[/color] She looked past Jake's shoulder to see Meifeng's back melt into the crowds. [color=E3DAC9]"I was... just checking on a friend of mine, she wasn't looking too good and I think she had too much."[/color] Lacking any other ideas, Anna resigned herself to honesty. Well... mostly. Jen certainly didn't seem drunk when she ran off, but she didn't look good either. She might have thought of something better to say, but Jake's sudden appearance didn't leave much time for forethought. Jake was well-dressed, handsome, and Anna's body responded more than she wanted to admit, but a tiny alarm rang in her head. She wanted to with him, but her body didn't move even though her intuition urged her to [i]walk away[/i]. Conflicted, a nervous hand tucked her long hair behind her ear exposing the delicate skin of her neck. She struggled to think of something to say that wouldn't spurn Jake and allow her to chase after Jen and Meifeng. Nothing. No bright ideas surfaced. Feeling trapped, she gave up the chase. [color=E3DAC9]"Meifeng went after her though, so she'll probably be fine."[/color] She started with a hurried breath, but her words smoothed into an easy rhythm. [color=E3DAC9]"What about you though? You seem to be enjoying yourself."[/color] Anna gave him a confident, knock-out smile, hoping to mask her growing anxiety. [i]Huh? Looks like she's busy here at the party.[/i] Though, Jake felt like he was being overbearing. Like, he was keeping her here, when she really wanted to help her friends. He took a step to the side so his back was to her. [color=7EA7D8]"Yeah, yeah, I hope everything's okay with your friend."[/color] He took a sip of the vodka, and turned halfway towards her. [color=7EA7D8]"If you really want to check, then don't let me hold you up."[/color] He said with a knowing grin, [color=7EA7D8]"I'm not going anywhere."[/color] He tried to be polite, but feared he might have sounded facetious. Like that reverse psychology nonsense. [color=7EA7D8]"Or I can just go with you. Hate to find out that something bad happened at this party."[/color] The rising tension gripping Anna's chest gradually fell away. She knew Jake was trying to be gentlemen. His intentions seemed noble, but the vodka in his veins was obviously working against him. It was adorable. Anna allowed herself a modest simper as she wove her arm around Jake's. [color=E3DAC9]"I would be honored, if you would be my escort for the evening, kind sir."[/color] She said with an exaggerated british accent. Her usual playful smile returned. [color=E3DAC9]"Shall we?"[/color] She nodded her head towards the balcony, where Meifeng and the others went. [color=E3DAC9]"It's impolite to keep our guests waiting."[/color] She giggled, unable to maintain the posh facade with any hint of seriousness. Anna's little accent almost roused a giggle out of Jake as he put the bottle of vodka (and shot glass) down on the nearest table (Where it was sure to disappear). He was glad he didn't come off as condenscending; he legitimately wanted to make sure that Anna's friends were fine. Which... is why he refrained from asking her to take his hand (That wouldn't go well with his current girlfriend, now would it?). They followed after Meifeng (In Jake's eyes, it was the girl that Anna was after) fast as they could. Though... something distracted him. There were some peculiar shouting, and everyone started chanting [i]"Fight, fight, fight fight!"[/i] over and over again. [color=7EA7D8]"Oh God, don't tell me."[/color] He said aloud (When he really intended to mumble), as if he just [i]knew[/i] what was going on. There was a circle forming around whatever was going on, and Jake couldn't help but move over there - even though it [i]heavily[/i]. After one piercing shout, someone came stumbling out of the crowd (they were kind enough to step aside) and landed right on their back. A girl, blonde hair, and wearing a purple dress that has been stained with alcohol. Jake walked over, and looked down - he couldn't help but notice that she was knocked out cold. Nose was dripping with blood. "Alright, who's next!" A girl's boastful shout came from the center of the crowd - obviously from where the fight was taking place - as Jake started pushing through the crowd. It wasn't long until he saw the scene - and was relieved that it wasn't Gabe or someone he cared about.... but some Asian girl wearing a black, and in some sort of fighting pose. She was standing sideways, with one arm up towards her face, and the other over her stomach - both fists were balled. Another girl, blonde haired, came charging at her, only to get stopped once she leaned over to the side and kicked her leg out - fiercely impacting her stomach, and sending her kneeling backwards. Jake, naturally, couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. He looked at Anna, [color=7EA7D8]"... Friend of yours?"[/color] All the enthusiasm seemed drain from her voice as she let out a long sigh. [color=E3DAC9]"...Yes"[/color] she said reluctantly. [color=E3DAC9]"I was afraid something like this would happen."[/color] She fought the urge to bring her palm to her face, feeling ashamed on Meifeng's behalf. [hr] All that was running through Meifeng's mind was simple determination. The determination to go find Jen before someone [i]else[/i] does. She was rushing through the crowds of people after that blonde head of hair fast as possible. She pushed people out the way, giving a polite "excuse me", or "sorry" as she tried to get to Jen. Though, she lost already lost Jenny - she was just trying to find her. Which was hard when she was in the middle of a party such as this. Meifeng turned a corner, and bumped into a blonde haired girl (standing next to another blonde). Which stunned both of them for a moment. However, the glass full of alcohol the girl was holding was just launched into her dress the second Meifeng bumped into her (thrusting her arm inward suddenly). More or less ruining it. Meifeng just said, [color=red]"Sorry"[/color] and turned away without even [i]looking[/i] at the girl. "[i]Where do you think you're going?! You little bitch![/i]" The girl venomously hissed at Meifeng as her hand latched onto her forearm with a grip like no other. Meifeng tried to shake herself off, but she wouldn't let go. "You think you can just knock my drink on me, and walk off, you little Chinese [i]bunny[/i]?" A girl who was standing next to her walked up, and put her hand on her hip. "Yeah, bitch, looks like we're gonna have to teach you a lesson!" The girl reached for some alcohol. Every bone in Meifeng's body was telling her to kick this bitch right in the side - she left it [i]really[/i] exposed -. but she didn't want to fight (for once). She actually wanted to help her friend. [color=Red]"I'm [i]sorry[/i], okay? I just really need to help my friend right now!"[/color] She shouted at the girl, trying to pull herself away. "Oh, but who's going to help you?" The girl sarcastically asked, as she raised a palm, and delieved one hell of an open handed slap across Meifeng's cheek. And it [i]hurt[/i]. Spit came flying out of Meifeng's mouth as she was sent off balance - only to correct it with a few steps. A loud "[i]Oooooooh[/i]" came from the crowd as Meifeng put a hand on her stinging cheek. Processing what just happened. The girls were pointing at her, laughing. Meifeng didn't know what came over her. She clenched her fists tightly as she could, and turned right back towards the girl. "What? You gonna try to hit me, bitch?" The girl taunted as she threw a punch towards Meifeng - but the girl was quick as a rabbit. She ducked down a bit, and dived to the side, once the punch was close enough - Meifeng pushed the girl by her elbow with her opposite hand, which was enough to throw her off balance. She got closer, and brought her other hand around, and slammed it into the girl's stomach with her fist balled, and quickly stood straight up. Only to bring that same hand around and swing it, knuckles first, into the girl's cheek. So quickly that she barely had time to react. Meifeng shot out her other fist, and hit the girl right in the jaw - which was enough to send her stumbling over. The girl regained her balance, and looked towards Meifeng, only to see her running up, and punching her square in the nose with every ounce of her strength. Which sent her flying backwards, right through the crowds that were forming around to watch. And stopped moving. Meifeng smiled, as she watched the girl fall right on her ass. [color=Red]"[i]Alright, who's next![/i]"[/color] Meifeng loudly announced. Some growling coming from nearby aptly answered her question. She looked over her shoulder, to see the chick's friend.... "[i]... You bitch![/i]" [hr] [hider=PSG - Cherryboy Riot][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0fR6CDY5uw[/youtube][/hider] Her heart was pounding, but Meifeng didn't pay attention. She was so focused and driven right now that the only thing on her mind was how to knock this [i]bitch's[/i] eyes out. She was bouncing up and down, light on her feet as possible. Her eyes were like a tunnel vision on her opponent - an average heighted blonde with blue, wearing a similar dress to herself and heels, had her fists balled in some downright [i]shitty[/i] boxer's pose (That her Dad probably taught her or something, but didn't take the time to correct). Well, Meifeng is going to knock her ass right out of those heels. A smirk crept up on her face as the girl recovered from the kick, and choose to push in, shooting out her fist. Meifeng blocked it with her arm, and retaliated by punching at the girl's stomach - who was actually quick enough to block it with her other hand. Wasn't a good block, she just put her arm in the way, and it was pushed into her stomach. Meifeng hopped back - but the girl kept up with her. Throwing a couple punches towards her face, that she blocked again. But then, the girl grabbed a spare bottle of vodka that was lying around and swung it at her stomach, which made impact, and [i]hurt[/i]. Making her stumble back a few steps, and grab onto her stomach. [color=Red][i]Bitch! I'm getting you for that one![/i][/color] She internally hissed, as she looked up and saw the blonde swinging that bottle towards her [i]face[/i]. Meifeng's eyes shot open wide as she quickly dove out the way, and the girl missed. Meifeng put her right leg back, and brought her fists up to chin level, and once the girl came at her, she swung her right leg in a circular motion right at her face - but the girl took a step back and it hit air. Meifeng grit her teeth as the blonde took advantage and straight up [i]tackled[/i] her to the ground. The girl pushed Meifeng down by the shoulders with all her strength, and made sure to lift her head up. The first thing that hit the ground was her behind, and she slapped her hands onto the wooden floor to disperse the impact. The girl crawled up on top of her, and planted her behind on Meifeng's torso, pinning her down. The girl started clawing at Meifeng's eyes, digging her nails into skin as Meifeng was throwing solid punches at her chest. The girl then grabbed onto her ponytail with one hand, and started pulling, shouting insults and racial slurs as she did so. Meifeng took this opportunity to bend her leg, and push off that leg to roll them both over to the side - getting the girl off her, and onto her side. Once the girl hit the ground, Meifeng drove her fist into her stomach hard as she could. Meifeng jumped up to her feet, but the other girl was climbing up to her feet. She was on one of her knees when Meifeng got an idea. Quick as a bee, Meifeng turned to her side, and pulled her leg back, and drove her foot out hard as she could straight into the other girl's face. She felt her nose break on impact, as the girl fell backwards. Knocked unconscious. The crowd went wild. Meifeng started laughing as she raised her fists into the air and started bouncing up and down... Not realizing that something popped out of her dress during the fight. [color=Red]"[i]I fucking did it! That'll show you to put your hands on[/i] me!"[/color] As she was bouncing, something felt odd in her chest area. Meifeng looked down to see that one of her breasts had fallen out of her dress, bare for the world to see. She loudly shrieked as she, fast as lightning, put a hand to it in order to cover it up.